发表于 2015-11-05 11:51
合格证名称Title of the certificate(s)栏的填写,根据发证机关核定的情况,合格证名称Title of the certificate(s)栏,及所适用的公约条款Clause,应分别按下列要求填写:
(一)基本安全培训Basic training,Ⅵ/1, A-Ⅵ/1;
(二)精通救生艇筏和救助艇培训Proficiency in Survival Craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats,Ⅵ/2,A-Ⅵ/2;
(三)精通快速救助艇培训Proficiency in fast rescue boats,Ⅵ/2,A-Ⅵ/2;
(四)高级消防培训Training in advanced fire fighting,Ⅵ/3,A-Ⅵ/3;
(五)精通急救培训Training in medical first aid,Ⅵ/4,A-Ⅵ/4;
(六)船上医护培训Training in medical care,Ⅵ/4,A-Ⅵ/4;
(七)船舶保安员培训proficiency for ship security officer,Ⅵ/5,A-Ⅵ/5;
(八)保安意识培训security awareness training,Ⅵ/6,A-Ⅵ/6;
(九)负有指定保安职责船员培训seafarers with designated security duties,Ⅵ/6,A-Ⅵ/6;
(十)油船和化学品船货物操作基本培训Basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations,Ⅴ/1-1,A-Ⅴ/1-1;
(十一)油船货物操作高级培训Advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations,:Ⅴ/1-1,A-Ⅴ/1-1;
(十二)化学品船货物操作高级培训Advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations,Ⅴ/1-1,A-Ⅴ/1-1;
(十三)液化气船货物操作基本培训Basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations,Ⅴ/1-2,A-Ⅴ/1-2;
(十四)液化气船货物操作高级培训Advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations,Ⅴ/1-2,A-Ⅴ/1-2;
(十五)客船船员特殊培训Training for personnel on passenger ships,中文、英文处均填:Ⅴ/2,A-Ⅴ/2;
(十六)大型船舶操纵特殊培训Training for masters and chief mates of large ships,B-Ⅴ/a;
(十七)高速船船员特殊培训Training for personnel on high-speed crafts,B-Ⅴ/a,
(十八)船舶装载散装固体危险和有害物质作业船员特殊培训Training for officers and ratings responsible for cargo handling on ships carrying dangerous and hazardous substances in solid form in bulk,B-Ⅴ/b;
(十九)船舶装载包装危险和有害物质作业船员特殊培训Training for officers and ratings responsible for cargo handling on ships carrying dangerous and hazardous substances in packaged form,B-Ⅴ/c。
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