发表于 2018-10-29 16:34
参之前文章,说过如果合同中已经并入了BIMCO Piracy Clause 2013或Conwartime条款,船长有权利选择拒绝过Sulu海区域。面对越来越高的海盗风险,船长基于安全考虑,作出的绕航或者离开的决定,是否都情有可原,这和是否停租无关,只是基于人道主义。在安全问题面前,尤其是涉及到人命关天的海盗问题,出租人如果想不被停租,那么只能从条款上下功夫。
L轮的租约中并入了Conwartime2004及BIMCOPiracy Clause 2013。接下来,来看具体分析。
一、BIMCO Piracy Clause 2009与BIMCO Piracy Clause 2013条款的区别
(a) The Vessel shall not beobliged to proceed or required to continue to or through, any port, place, areaor zone, or any waterway or canal (hereinafter “Area”) which, in the reasonablejudgement of the Master and/or the Owners, is dangerous to the Vessel, hercargo, crew or other persons on board the Vessel due to any actual, threatenedor reported acts of piracy and/or violent robbery and/or capture/seizure(hereinafter “Piracy”), whether such risk existed at the time of entering intothis charter party or occurred thereafter. Should the Vessel be within any suchplace as aforesaid which only becomes dangerous, or is likely to be or to become dangerous,after her entry into it, she shall be at liberty to leave it.
(g) If incompliance with this Clause anything is done or not done, such shall not bedeemed a deviation, but shall be considered as due fulfilment of this CharterParty. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Clause and anyimplied or express provision of the Charter Party, this Clause shall prevail tothe extent of such conflict, but no further.
关于这里的“is likely to be”的解释,在2012年The “Triton Lark”中,Teare法官对此作出了解释。该案涉及Conwartime2013的解释问题(may be, or are likely to be,exposed to War Risks),Teare法官对于过GOA发生的海盗劫持或风险,提出了a real likelihood的问题,即发生海盗真正的可能性问题。
商事法庭的法官认为,当事人的意图是该船舶将暴露于海盗行为中的“真正的可能性”(real likelihood)。形容词“真正的”反映了基于证据的可能性,而不是基于推测的幻想可能性。虽然“真正的可能性”包括一个比不发生的可能性更大的事件,它也可以包含一个发生的几率小的事件。一个纯粹的可能性不包括在内,因为短语“可能是”暗示的可能性程度大于一个缺乏的可能性。“真正的可能性”所固有的概率是或可以反映在诸如“真正的危险”或“严重的可能性”等短语中。法官认为,“真实的可能性”应该理解为真正的危险的意义上。
It seems to me that thearbitrators understood "a serious risk" to be a risk of an importantevent, demanding of consideration. However, on my construction of the phrase"may be, or are likely to be", that phrase connoted a serious risk inthe sense of one of which it could be said that there was a real likelihood orreal danger that the vessel would be exposed to acts of piracy. There is adifference between the two which is neatly summed up by Mr. Nolan's contrastbetween a serious risk that an event will occur, in this case being exposed toacts of piracy, and a risk that a serious event, being exposed to acts ofpiracy, will occur.
而对serious risk的问题上,法官认为应该被理解为一个事件的发生有严重的风险(事件是指暴露在海盗行为中):
a serious risk that an event will occur(in this case being exposed to acts of piracy) or;
If, as I have concluded was thecase, the arbitrators were wrong in law as to their understanding of the phrase"may be, or are likely to be, exposed to War Risks" then it mustfollow that their conclusion that Bulkhandling formed a reasonable judgmentmust also be wrong in law.
Mr. Nolan had a further point.He submitted that the tribunal asked themselves whether the Owners could have reasonably concludedthat there was a serious risk that the vessel would be exposed to acts ofpiracy instead of asking themselves whether the Owners' judgment that it waslikely that the vessel would be hijacked was reasonable.
Mr. Kenny said that it was apparent fromparagraphs 78 and 96 of the Reasons that the arbitrators held that the Ownersdid in fact make a reasonable judgment.
I consider that the fairreading of the arbitrators' Reasons is that the arbitrators concluded that theOwners did in fact make a judgment. They said the judgment "was exercisedin good faith" (see paragraph 97 of the Reasons) so that they must haveconcluded that there had in fact been a judgment. Whilst they said that theinformation in Mr. Mikkelsen's possession was "sufficient to enable him…to conclude that there was a serious risk of hijacking" (see paragraph 97of the Reasons) I also consider that they found that he did in fact concludethat there was a serious risk of hijacking because they refer to such aconclusion in paragraph 96 of the Reasons. The following paragraph 97 explainswhy they considered that such judgment was objectively reasonable.
I therefore do not considerthat there is any further error beyond the application of the wrong legal test.
最终该案上诉到高等法院。高等法院的Teare法官又继续解释了exposed to War Risks及maybe, orare likely to be,a real likelihood的具体含义。认为exposed toWar Risks应该理解为exposure to acts of piracy means that the vessel is subject to therisk of piracy or is laid open to the danger of piracy,而risks则对应为danger。
Teare法官最终要求把案件发还给仲裁员重新裁定。在法官的判决及考虑到当事人提出的证据,是否,二船东作出了合理的判断,那里有真正的可能性,在亚丁湾船舶将暴露于海盗的危险之中。换句话简单点说,在二船东合理的判断下,在亚丁湾那里是有真正的可能性,由于海盗行为对于Triton Lark轮是危险的。
I shall order that the award beremitted to the arbitrators to reconsider, in the light of my judgment and havingregard to the evidence adduced by the parties, whether, in the reasonable judgment of Bulkhandling, there was areal likelihood that the vessel would be exposed to acts of piracy in the Gulfof Aden. In shorthand the question is whether, in thereasonable judgment of Bulkhandling, there was a real likelihood that the Gulf of Aden would, on account of acts of piracy, bedangerous to Triton Lark.
BIMCO Piracy Clause for Time Charter Parties 2013
(a) The Vessel shall not be obliged to proceed orrequired to continue to or through, any port, place, area or zone, or anywaterway or canal (hereinafter "Area") which, in the reasonablejudgement of the Master and/or the Owners, is dangerous to the Vessel, cargo,crew or other persons on board the Vessel due to any actual, threatened orreported acts of piracy and/or violent robbery and/or capture/seizure (hereinafter"Piracy"), whether such risk existed at the time of entering intothis Charter Party or occurred thereafter. Should the Vessel be within any suchplace as aforesaid which only becomes dangerous, or may become dangerous, after entry into it,the Vessel shall be at liberty to leave it.
(b) If in accordance with sub-clause (a) the Owners decidethat the Vessel shall not proceed or continue to or through the Area they mustimmediately inform the Charterers. The Charterers shall be obliged to issuealternative voyage orders and shall indemnify the Owners for any claims fromholders of the Bills of Lading or third parties caused by waiting for suchorders and/or the performance of an alternative voyage. Any time lost as aresult of complying with such orders shall not be considered off-hire.
(c) If the Owners consent or if the Vessel proceeds toor through an Area exposed to the risk of Piracy the Owners shall have theliberty:
(i) to take reasonable preventative measures toprotect the Vessel, crew and cargo including but not limited to re-routeingwithin the Area, proceeding in convoy, using escorts, avoiding day or nightnavigation, adjusting speed or course, or engaging security personnel and/ordeploying equipment on or about the Vessel (including embarkation/disembarkation).
(ii) to comply with the requirements of the Owners'insurers under the terms of the Vessel's insurance(s);
(iii) to comply with all orders, directions,recommendations or advice given by the Government of the Nation under whoseflag the Vessel sails, or other Government to whose laws the Owners aresubject, or any other Government, body or group (including militaryauthorities) whatsoever acting with the power to compel compliance with theirorders or directions; and
(iv) to comply with the terms of any resolution of theSecurity Council of the United Nations, the effective orders of any otherSupranational body which has the right to issue and give the same, and withnational laws aimed at enforcing the same to which the Owners are subject, andto obey the orders and directions of those who are charged with theirenforcement; and the Charterers shall indemnify the Owners for any claims fromholders of Bills of Lading or third parties caused by the Vessel proceeding asaforesaid, save to the extent that such claims are covered by additionalinsurance as provided in sub-clause (d)(iii).
(d) Costs
(i) If the Vessel proceeds to or through an Area wheredue to risk of Piracy additional costs will be incurred including but notlimited to additional personnel and preventative measures to avoid Piracy, suchreasonable costs shall be for the Charterers' account. Any time lost waitingfor convoys, following recommended routeing, timing, or reducing speed ortaking measures to minimise risk, shall be for the Charterers' account and theVessel shall
remain on hire;
(ii) If the Owners become liable under the terms ofemployment to pay to the crew any bonus or additional wages in respect ofsailing into an area which is dangerous in the manner defined by the saidterms, then the actual bonus or additional wages paid shall be reimbursed tothe Owners by the Charterers;
(iii) If the Vessel proceeds to or through an Areaexposed to the risk of Piracy, the Charterers shall reimburse to the Owners anyadditional premiums required by the Owners' insurers and the costs of anyadditional insurances that the Owners reasonably require in connection withPiracy risks which may include but not be limited to War Loss of Hire and/ormaritime K&R.
(iv) All payments arising under Sub-clause (d) shallbe settled within fifteen (15) days of receipt of Owners’ supported invoices oron redelivery, whichever occurs first.
(e) If the Vessel is attacked by pirates any time lostshall be for the account of the Charterers and the Vessel shall remain on hire.
(f) If the Vessel is seized by pirates the Owners shallkeep the Charterers closely informed of the efforts made to have the Vesselreleased. The Vessel shall remain on hire throughout the seizure and theCharterers' obligations shall remain unaffected, except that hire paymentsshall cease as of the ninety-first (91st) day after the seizure until release.The Charterers shall pay hire, or if the Vessel has been redelivered, theequivalent of Charter Party hire, for any time lost in making good any damageand deterioration resulting from the seizure. The Charterers shall not beliable for late redelivery under this Charter Party resulting from the seizure ofthe Vessel.
(g) If in compliance with this Clause anything is doneor not done, such shall not be deemed a deviation, but shall be considered asdue fulfilment of this Charter Party. In the event of a conflict between theprovisions of this Clause and any implied or express provision of the CharterParty, this Clause shall prevail.
该海盗条款(a)款和Conwartime的(b)款差不多。船舶无义务进入或继续进入或通过,在船长和/或出租人合理判断的情况下,对于船舶、货物、船员或其他在船人员有实际或可能危险,或有报告的海盗活动和/或暴力抢夺和/或俘获/捕获(以下简称“海盗”)的任何港口、地点、区域或地区或任何航道或海峡(以下简称 “区域”),无论此风险是否在订立本租约期间存在或是租约订立以后。当船舶进入前述地点变为危险或可能危险、或进入后危险,船舶可自由离开。
对于(a)款最重要的修改是,由2009年的“or is likely to be or to become dangerous”修改为了2013年的“or may become dangerous”。把is likely to 删了,及 to become dangerous修改为 may become dangerous。意图明显,无需发生很大的可能性,仅仅需要可能发生危险,对可能性高低,风险程度不再作要求。
最后(g)款,还说:“inthe event of a conflict between the provioins of this clause and any implied orexpress provision of the charter party, this clause shall prevail.”
该条款有说,如果在进入该区域后,只有在该区域变得危险,或可能变得危险的情况下,才有权利选择离开。这里并入的是BIMCO Piracy Clause 2013版本,已经把发生海盗风险的可能性要求删掉了,对等级不再作要求。因此从条款上解释,对出租人有利。
该海盗条款(a)款和Conwartime的(b)款差不多。船舶无义务进入或继续进入或通过,在船长和/或出租人合理判断的情况下,对于船舶、货物、船员或其他在船人员有实际或可能危险,或有报告的海盗活动和/或暴力抢夺和/或俘获/捕获(以下简称“海盗”)的任何港口、地点、区域或地区或任何航道或海峡(以下简称 “区域”),无论此风险是否在订立本租约期间存在或是租约订立以后。当船舶进入前述地点变为危险或可能危险、或进入后危险,船舶可自由离开。
对于(a)款最重要的修改是,由2009年的“or is likely to be or to become dangerous”修改为了2013年的“or may become dangerous”。把is likely to 删了,及 to become dangerous修改为 may become dangerous。意图明显,无需发生很大的可能性,仅仅需要可能发生危险,对可能性高低,风险程度不再作要求。
最后(g)款,还说:“inthe event of a conflict between the provioins of this clause and any implied orexpress provision of the charter party, this clause shall prevail.”
该条款有说,如果在进入该区域后,只有在该区域变得危险,或可能变得危险的情况下,才有权利选择离开。这里并入的是BIMCO Piracy Clause 2013版本,已经把发生海盗风险的可能性要求删掉了,对等级不再作要求。因此从条款上解释,对出租人有利。
在Geden Operations Ltd v Dry Bulk Handy Holdings Inc M/V"Bulk Uruguay" [2014] EWHC 885 (Comm) (28 March 2014)案中,合同并入的是CONWARTIME2004条款。在2011年7月8日,租家通过经纪发邮件给船东,说第一个处女航次,租家有意向安排船舶通过亚丁湾(Gulf of Aden)将船摆位到大西洋,询问船东额外的保费。
The relationship between the two types ofanticipatory breach was discussed by Devlin J inUniversal Carriers vCitati [1957] 2 QB 401 at 436-438:
"The law on the right to rescind issuccinctly stated by Lord Porter in Heyman v. DarwinsLtd. as follows: "The three sets of circumstances giving rise to adischarge of contract are tabulated by Anson as: (1) renunciation by a party ofhis liabilities under it; (2) impossibility created by his own act; and (3)total or partial failure of performance.
There was no error of law. The majorityaddressed the correct question and reached a conclusion of fact which was opento them and which is not susceptible of review on this appeal. The minorityarbitrator concluded that the Owners made clear that they would not be able tocomply with orders to transit GOA promptly.That was an alternative conclusion which may have been available on the facts,but it was not the view of the majority.
在Taokas Navigation SA v Komrowski Bulk Shipping KG(GmbH & Co) & OrsThe “Paiwan Wisdom” [2012] EWHC1888 (Comm) (11 July 2012)案中,原船东把船PAIWAN WISDOM租给Kent Line International Ltd(以下简称“二船东”),二船东在2010年3月25日的时候,以NPYE93的租约格式租给了Solym Carriers Ltd(以下简称“租家”),租期约11-13个月。
在该案中,争议的主要焦点是:依照Paiwan Wisdom轮租约的真实意图,二船东是否不允许依赖CONWARTIME2004条款,而拒绝去执行租家的航次任务?
The arbitrators, by a majority, determinedthat the answer to that question was No.
I am unable to accept Mr. Jarvis'submissions as to the effect of clause 50.
There is no doubt thatKenyawaswithin the vessel's trading limits under the charterparty.Kenyais withinthe Institute Warranty Limits ("IWL") and is not numbered within theexcluded countries. However, clause 94, the CONWARTIME 2004, provides that anowner may refuse to proceed to a place which is dangerous on account of a warrisk. CONWARTIME 2004 does not contain a requirement that the relevant war riskmust have escalated since the date of the charterparty.
The words"Passing Gulf of Aden always allowed with H&M insuranceauthorisation" in clause 50 indicate the Owners' agreement to pass throughthe Gulf of Aden. The Owners would therefore not be entitled to refuse,pursuant to CONWARTIME 2004, to pass through the Gulf of Aden on account of there being a danger of an attack by pirates.That is because CONWARTIME 2004 must be read in the light of the charterpartyas a whole. Clause 50 contains an express agreement to pass through the Gulf ofAden and so it would be inconsistent with that express agreement to construeCONWARTIME 2004 in sucha way as to permit the Owners to refuse to pass through the Gulf of Aden.
The presence in the Gulf of Aden of navalforces and a convoy system explains why the Owners agreed to pass through the Gulf of Aden. That agreement is no warrant for construingclause 50 as an agreement by the Owners that the vessel shall proceed to anyport or place on the east coast of Africa (other than the excluded countries ofEritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia) where there is a risk of piracy but no navalforces or convoy system. The Charterers may direct that the vessel proceeds toMombasa but the Owners have liberty to refuse to proceed through the IndianOcean to Mombasa if, within the meaning of CONWARTIME 2004, there is a reallikelihood of the vessel being exposed to acts of piracy on such route.CONWARTIME 2004 contains no requirement that any such likelihood should havematerially increased from the date of the charterparty.
There areprovisions in the charterparty for the payment of war risk insurance by theCharterers (see clause (d)(ii) of clause 50) but none which provides for thecost of war risk insurance for going to a named place.
Thus the present case is notone in which the Owners have, by the terms of the charterparty construed in itsfactual context, accepted the risk of piracy in trading to Mombasa, Kenya.
So far as "commercialsense" is concerned I do not accept that there is a lack of commercialsense in a construction of the charterparty which permits trading toKenya on Day 1 but which entitlesthe Owners to refuse an order to trade toKenyaon Day 2. Whilst trading toKenyais permitted CONWARTIME 2004 enables theOwners or master to avoid danger from War Risks which may be encountered enroute toKenya.
Nor am I persuaded that Mr.Jarvis' example of a voyage from the Black Sea toKenya which is stopped after thevessel has passed through the Gulf of Adenshows that his submission must be correct. It is possible that issues of waivermay arise in a case where instructions to proceed to a named port are accepted.The present case is not such a case. The Owners refused to accept theCharterers' instructions before any cargo was loaded and in any event theirinstructions did not require the vessel to proceed through the Gulf of Aden.
For these reasonsI consider, as did the majority of the arbitrators, Mr. Siberry QC and Mr.Martin-Clark, that the answer to the Preliminary Issue is No. The appeal mustbe dismissed.
The “Paiwan Wisdom”案发生在The “Triton Lark”案之后,而且同为高等法院Teare法官作出的判决,所以应该遵循The “Paiwan Wisdom”案的解释。回到L轮的情况就是,因为ABIDJAN位于几内亚湾附近,存在海盗风险,出租人有权选择不去该地区的港口。
三、BIMCO Piracy Clause 2013 条款的具体解释
(a) The Vessel shall not be obliged to proceed orrequired to continue to or through, any port, place, area or zone, or anywaterway or canal (hereinafter "Area") which, in the reasonablejudgement of the Master and/or the Owners, is dangerous to the Vessel, cargo,crew or other persons on board the Vessel due to any actual, threatened or reported acts of piracy and/or violent robbery and/or capture/seizure(hereinafter "Piracy"), whether such risk existed at the time ofentering into this Charter Party or occurred thereafter. Should the Vessel bewithin any such place as a foresaid which only becomes dangerous, or may become dangerous,after entry into it, the Vessel shall be at liberty to leave it.
其中措辞有any,threatened, reported,act of piracy, violent
Robberty等等组成了一系列并列,单独的事项。而关于这个reported,并没有说是哪个国家或者哪个机构的报告。那么参IMB Piracy Reporting Centre一家马来西亚的政府网站中的报告如下:
Armed attacks on ships in West African waters rise:report Joe Bavier3 Min Read
ABIDJAN(Reuters) - Armed attacks on ships in West African waters nearly doubled in2016, with pirates increasingly focused on kidnapping their crew for ransom offNigeria’scoast, a report said on Tuesday.
A recent spate of attacks offSomalia, meanwhile, may also indicate aresurgence of piracy in East Africa as aresult of less vigilance, the Oceans Beyond Piracy (OBP) project said.
Sponsored OBP, a project of the privately funded OneEarth Future Foundation that encourages cooperation across the internationalmaritime community to tackle piracy, recorded 95 attacks in West Africa’s Gulf of Guineain 2016, up from 54 the previous year.
Cargo theft,once the main focus of piracy in the region, has given way to an increase inkidnappings, with 96 crew members taken hostage compared to 44 in 2015.
这些解释的原则,可以参Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society[1998] 1 WLR 896; Chartbrook Ltd v Persimmon Homes Ltd [2009] 1 AC 1101; Re Sigma Finance Corp [2010] 1 All ER 571; Rainy Sky SA v Kookmin Bank [2011] 1 WLR 2900; Arnold v Britton [2015] AC 1619; and Wood v Capita Insurance Services Ltd [2017] AC 1173.这些权威判例。
鉴于合同中已经并入了BIMCOPiracy Clause 2013条款,该条款措辞足够清晰明确,赋予了船长选择离开港口的权利。租家不能事后反悔,不能认为没有按照他们的预期方式发展而无视条款的明确规定。如Sumption勋爵所说,商业合同最没公平性。如果租家认为ABIDJAN发生海盗的可能性不大,或者需要很大的可能性船长才有权利选择离开,那么他们应该坚持并入合同的是2009年版本,而不是2013年的版本。
关于停租的相关问题,首先必须是发生了停租条款中列明的可停租的事项,该事项阻碍了船舶完全运作,无法提供承租人所需要的服务。对于这个所需要的服务,Staughton勋爵在The “BergeSund”[1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.453案中第460页判决中说到:问题不在于承租人希望或预期他们的要求是什么,而是他们实际需要什么服务。
The arbitrators' testwas thus one of hope or expectation. But even if that was to be an objectivetest, I cannot believe that it was right. It is, as Aristotle said, probablethat many improbable things will happen. The question is not what the charterers hoped or expectedtheir orders would be, but what service they actually required.
如果租约是time lost的话,承租人还必须举证有实际的时间损失,才可以停租;如果无法证明有损失,则无权停租。
但是合约的解释应该把整个合同当为一个整体。合同中已经明确并入了BIMCO Piracy Clause 2013,而且该条款还明确规定了:任何与合同条款有冲突的话,BIMCO Piracy Clause 2013条款优先,。那么回到前面的分析,船长有权利选择离开到外面漂航,因此租家无权停租。船长的为或不为,不视为绕航,应被视为对本租约的适当履行。
In fact, owners/master’s refusal to followcharterers’ legitimate orders means that Norden shall not be able to collectdemurrage for about four weeks of waiting time…
笔者想强调的是,出租人从未拒绝出租人的指示,但出租人不能强迫船长去遵从承租人的指示,因为这是船长基于安全考虑的绝对的权利,这只是船方自己的意愿。而船员的意愿问题,不属于停租条款中的deficiency of men.
对于停租条款中的deficiency of men的解释,Sellers法官在Royal Greek Government v.Minister of Transport案中说到,高级船员因疾病或伤害而不能工作,等同于“deficiency of men”,如果船舶的工作受到妨碍或阻碍,则适用该条款;如果丧失工作能力的船员在船上或在岸上医院这两者并没有什么区别。在完全有能力存在的情况下,身体无法工作的质量和性格不同于拒绝工作。在我看来,暂停支付租金条款中的“deficiency of men”条款是为了在船上没有足够的高级船员和工作人员的情况下停租船舶。船上配备了完整的船员并且能够工作,但暂时因没有护航编队而不愿意开航。根据这些事实,博学的仲裁员认定在任何实质性时间都没有“deficiency of men”。 Sellers法官认为仲裁员的裁决在法律上是正确的。
The inability of officers and men to workthrough sickness or injury would, in my view, amount to "deficiency ofmen" and the clause would apply if the working of the vessel was hinderedor prevented thereby, and it would make no difference if the incapacitatedmembers of the crew were on the ship or in hospital on shore. Physicalinability to work is different in quality and character from refusal to workwhen full capacity to do so exists. In my opinion, the provision"deficiency of men" in the suspension of hire clause is directed toputting the vessel off hire when an adequate complement of officers and crewfor working the ship is not available. Here there was no failure in thecomplement. The complete crew was present in the ship able to work, but, forthe time being, unwilling to take the ship to sea, except in convoy. On thesefacts the learned arbitrator has found that there was not at any material timea "deficiency of men." I am of opinion that his decision was right inlaw.
在该案中,上诉院的Bucknill勋爵在200页判决中说到,我认为第11(A)条中的“男士”一词必须理解为“高级船员和船员”。 如果我们看一下第34条,它会这样说:“对第11(A)条的补充条款尽管有第11(A)条的规定,但同意如果由于无法获得或完成一个船员而导致时间损失 (a)全额支付租金等等。我认为这两个条款是非常公正的解释,“Deficiency ofmen”与事物状态是一回事,仅仅是由于无能力获得或完成一个船员。换句话说,它涉及的是数量而不是意愿。
I think the word "men" in Clause11 (A) must be read as meaning "officers and crew." If one looks atClause 34 it says this: "Addendum to Clause 11 (A). Notwithstanding theprovisions of Clause 11 (A) it is agreed that in the event of loss of time duesolely to inability to get or to complete a crew (a) full hire will bepaid," etc., etc. I think it is a very fair reading of those two clausesto say that the "deficiency of men" is the same thing as a state ofthings "due solely to inability to get or to complete a crew." In other words, it is dealingwith numbers and not with willingness.
It does not say that if the conduct of the master,officers, or engineers causes delay or disuse of the ship the ship is to comeoff hire. It might have said so, but it does not.
Is that to be taken as a caseof "deficiency of men"? The crew are there already; it is just theirunwillingness to work which causes the delay or loss. I think one must readthese words fairly and not stretch them beyond their plain meaning.
The only other question iswhether this is an accident under Clause 11 (A), the words of which are,"In the event of drydocking or other necessary measures to maintain theefficiency of the vessel, deficiency of men or owners' stores, breakdown ofmachinery, damage to hull or other accident." The learned Judge dealt withthat in this way (sup., at p. 359):
The wilful refusal of theofficers and crew to sail except in convoy does not appear to me to have anyelement of "accident." It is not an accident and it in no wayresembles any of the other enumerated events which would serve to put thevessel off hire.
I agree with that so completelythat I do not think there is anything I need add.
For these reasons, in myopinion, this appeal should be dismissed.
同理,L轮,因为船长和船员们自己的意愿问题,选择到港外漂航等泊,并不能认为是deficiency of men;因此承租人无权停租。
基于以上解释,笔者认为,船长选择离开港口到港界外机动漂航,纯属从安全考虑船员自己的意愿,承租人无权停租。同时,出租人有相关条款的保护(Conwartime2004及BIMCO Piracy Clause 2013),船长的为或不为,均不得视为然后,而应视为对本租约的适当履行。
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