这艘名为“Ursa Major”的俄罗斯船只周一在西班牙和阿尔及利亚之间沉没,此前三次爆炸损坏了船体。船东Oboronlogistika将爆炸描述为“恐怖主义行为”。
“Ursa Major”号上载有16名船员,其中14人在沉船后乘坐了救生艇。
俄罗斯安全理事会副主席梅德韦杰夫指责悬挂挪威国旗的“Oslo Carrier 3”拒绝帮助受困的船员。他称所谓的拒绝“令人愤慨”,并表示这是不可原谅的。
克里姆林宫发言人德米特里·佩斯科夫(Dmitry Peskov)也表示,如果指控属实,这将违反海事法,应受到强烈谴责。
然而,运营“Oslo Carrier 3”的bulkship Management AS公司否认了这些指控。该公司表示,西班牙海上救援协调中心(MRCC)已指示船长不要让俄罗斯船员上船,因为一艘救援船已经在路上了。
该公司表示,在救援船抵达之前,这艘救生艇一直在“Oslo Carrier 3”旁边。它还说天气很好,对救生艇上的水手没有直接的危险。
“Ursa Major”号沉没时,正为俄罗斯国防部执行任务。该船在事件发生前12天离开圣彼得堡,正在前往符拉迪沃斯托克的途中,载有两台380吨的起重机。
“Ursa Major”建于2009年,自2022年俄罗斯入侵乌克兰以来一直受到制裁。
这次沉没并不是地中海第一次面临挑战。另一艘俄罗斯船只“Sparta”号在12月初出现了问题。“Ursa Major”与“Sparta”位于同一地区,这导致了之前报道中涉及哪艘船的混淆。
A Norwegian shipping company has denied accusations from Russian official Dmitry Medvedev that one of its vessels refused to help sailors from a sinking Russian cargo ship in the Mediterranean Sea.
The Russian ship, Ursa Major, sank on Monday between Spain and Algeria after three explosions damaged its hull. The explosions were described as “an act of terrorism” by the ship’s owner Oboronlogistika.
The Ursa Major was carrying 16 crew members with 14 of them taking a lifeboat after the ship began sinking.
Medvedev, Russia’s Deputy Chairman of the Security Council, accused the Norwegian-flagged vessel, Oslo Carrier 3, of refusing to help the distressed sailors. He called the alleged refusal “outrageous” and said it was something that could not be forgiven.
Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov also said that if the accusations were true, it would be a violation of maritime laws and would deserve strong condemnation.
However, Bulkshhip Management AS, the company that operates Oslo Carrier 3, rejected the accusations. The company said that Spain’s Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC) had instructed the ship’s captain not to take the Russian sailors on board, as a rescue boat was already on the way.
The company said that the lifeboat was kept alongside Oslo Carrier 3 until the rescue boat arrived. It also said that the weather was good, and there was no immediate danger to the sailors in the lifeboat.
The Ursa Major had been on a mission for Russia’s Defense Ministry when it sank. The ship had left St. Petersburg 12 days before the incident and was on its way to Vladivostok, carrying two 380-tonne cranes.
Medvedev says that the refusal to help was part of a pattern followed in Europe against Russian actions.
The Ursa Major was built in 2009 and has been under sanctions since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
This sinking is not the first one to have faced challenges in the Mediterranean. Another Russian Ship, Sparta, had issues earlier in December. The Ursa Major was in the same area as Sparta, which led to confusion over which ship was involved in previous reports.
Meanwhile, Finnish authorities have detained a ship carrying Russian oil in the Baltic Sea. They are investigating whether the ship damaged an undersea power cable and internet lines, considering it as possible sabotage.
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