据报道,英国皇家海军军舰“HMS Diamond”在印度洋海域打击毒贩时缴获了超过两吨的非法毒品。
在加拿大150联合特遣部队(Combined Task Force 150)的旗帜下开展行动,致力于阻止在中东200多万平方英里的海洋上的犯罪活动。这艘总部位于Portsmuth的军舰在亚丁湾40°C的高温下,迫使一艘可疑的独桅帆船停下来,对该船进行彻底搜索。
负责国际部队的加拿大皇家海军军官Colin Matthews上尉提到,HMS Diamond执行的拦截是CMF合作伙伴与CTF 150团队之间富有成效合作的一个重要例子。
经过几天的工作,HMS Diamond的船员和CTF 150工作人员可能会产生影响,通过拦截2382公斤毒品,帮助提高地区人口和海上交通的安全性和稳定性。
▲Image Credits: Royal Navy/Twitter
▲Image Credits: Royal Navy/Twitter
▲Image Credits: Royal Navy/Twitter
The Royal Navy warship HMS Diamond has reportedly seized over two tons of illicit drugs as she struck against the traffickers in the waters of the Indian Ocean.
A massive haul of hashish was discovered by the destroyer’s sailors and the Royal Marines — 2.4 tons of illicit ***s that had been destroyed.
Carrying out operations under the Canadian-led Combined Task Force 150 banner — committed to stopping criminal activities across over two million sq. miles of ocean in the Middle East — the Portsmouth-based warship compelled a suspect dhow to stop and search the vessel thoroughly in the 40°C heat in the Gulf of Aden.
It comes through as frigate HMS Lancaster, which has also been patrolling the waters of the Indian Ocean for the Bahrain task force, struck twice within 24 hours in April, successfully seizing £33 million of unlawful drugs in the mission.
Having ignored calls initially from the ship to the stop, the craft was paused as the destroyer’s Wildcat helicopter was seen overhead alongside seaboats, with advanced weapons trained on the dhow.
That resulted in a nine-hour mission, during which the Royal Marines from the 42 Commando secured the vessel to permit the boarding team members of the Diamond’s Royal Navy to search for unlawful cargo.
An in-depth scrutiny of the dhow recovered several packages — found to be having unlawful ***s on subsequent testing on the destroyer.
HMS Diamond’s success also follows a concerted operation in April 2024 by CTF150, which resulted in a series of busts across the Indian Ocean by British, US, and Indian vessels, with almost 5 tons of drugs confiscated and destroyed.
Capt. Colin Matthews, the officer associated with the Royal Canadian Navy who is in charge of the international force, mentioned that the interdiction carried out by the HMS Diamond is a crucial example of the fruitful collaboration between the CMF partners and the CTF 150 team.
After a couple of days of working, HMS Diamond’s crew members and the CTF 150 staff could have an impact, helping increase the safety and stability of regional populations and maritime traffic by interdicting 2382 kgs of ***s.
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