周二,国家航运部长哈立德·马哈茂德·乔杜里(Khalid Mahmud Chowdhury)提到,被索马里海盗劫持的孟加拉国船只“阿卜杜拉号”(MV Abdullah)的23名船员本月可能成功获救。
The 23 crew members associated with the Bangladeshi vessel named MV Abdullah that the Somali pirates hijacked could be successfully rescued this month mentioned Khalid Mahmud Chowdhury, the state minister of shipping, on Tuesday.
He added that the primary responsibility is to rescue and hand them over to their loved ones once they return to their homeland.
Efforts in this regard are going on.
The situation is now under control, and the relevant authorities hope they will be able to bring 23 hostages back safely, he stated.
In answering a question regarding any contact with the crew members, the minister noted that the Department of Shipping is in touch with them regularly and that they are safe.
He said the target was to bring them back to the country before Eid-ul-Fitr, but they could not fulfil their goal.
However, they are hoping they can be brought back shortly.
Efforts are ongoing to solve the problem via the Foreign Ministry, but Khalid mentioned that the Department of Shipping is also striving.
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