An eerie ghost vessel reportedly ran aground on a beach during a storm in Cambodia.
7月12日,这艘被遗弃的船在柬埔寨柏西哈努克省Koh Tang岛附近被海浪吹走后,在岸上被发现。
The deserted ship was discovered ashore after it was blown away by winds as the waves hit the coast near Koh Tang Island in the Preah Sihanouk province in Cambodia on 12 July.
The following day, relevant authorities examined the shoreline to look for signs of the occupants, but to no avail.
However, three discarded lifejackets were found on rocks 50 meters from the wreckage site.
Officials have not yet been able to board the unidentified vessel due to the poor weather and sea conditions.
It was reportedly left on the beach. The idea is to wait till the weather calms down.
当地海岸警卫队Sopheap San报告称,起初,他们无法靠近这艘船,因此无法检查标记。没有任何迹象表明它属于哪个国家。他们已经通知在该地区航行的船只密切关注失踪船员。他们可能漂浮在海上,或救生艇上。
The local coastguard Sopheap San reported that initially, they could not get close to the ship and hence, could not check the markings. There were no signs of the country it belonged to. They have informed vessels sailing in the area to keep an eye out for the missing crew. They could be floating in the sea or on a lifeboat.
A ghost ship is a vessel that is considered to be abandoned.
The ship may also have been scrapped. It could have come loose from a boat yard.
海岸警卫队Sopheap San提到,这艘船上的事件已经向警方报告。
Coastguard Sopheap San mentioned that the incident on this ship was already reported to the police.
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