If you are new to a ship, the first few days might leave you confused, lost, and extremely apprehensive as to how are you going to spend the rest of your days of your contract on the ship safely without confronting any accidents.
The huge matrix of pipes, the complex machinery, and the massive bunch of wires which runs without any restrictions in different directions might leave you a bit messed up in your mind. It is during this vulnerable mindset, you can come across the worst accident that has happened to you.
When we talk about accidents on a ship, an electrical shock is the worst of all kinds. Electrical wires and connections are present everywhere on a ship and it is important to escape them to prevent yourself and others from getting a major electrical shock.
Moreover, it is said that a person onboard a ship gets an electrical shock mainly due to its negligence and unawareness.
In this article, we will learn how you can save yourself and others from an electrical shock on board a ship.
Also, find out what all precautions you should take to minimize the risk of an electrical shock on board.
Steps to Minimize the Risk of an Electrical Shock Onboard
1) Start with the first round of the day; check all electrical motors, wiring, and switches, for abnormal sounds, variation in temperatures, and loose connections.
1) 从一天的第一轮开始;检查所有电机、接线和开关是否有异常声音、温度变化和连接松动。
2) Ensure that all electrical connections are inside the panel box so that no one can touch them accidentally.
2) 确保所有电气连接都位于面板盒内,以免任何人意外接触。
3) In the accommodation area multiple socket plugs shouldn’t be used.
3) 住宿区内不得使用多个插座插头。
4) Turn off the breaker before starting any work on an electrical system.
4) 在电气系统上开始任何工作之前,请关闭断路器。
5) Use ply card and notice board as much as possible to inform others about the ongoing work to avoid accidental starts.
5) 尽可能多地使用ply卡和布告板通知其他人正在进行的工作,以避免意外启动。
6) Double check the electrical tools like portable drills for any loose wires before attempting any job.
6) 在尝试任何作业前,仔细检查电动工具(如便携式钻机)是否有松动的电线。
7) Always wear protective clothing, rubber gloves, rubber knee pads and safety shoes to avoid the risk of shock.
7) 始终穿戴防护服、橡胶手套、橡胶护膝和安全鞋,以避免电击风险。
8) Use electrically insulated handle tools for working or checking the electrical system.
8) 使用电气绝缘手柄工具进行电气系统的工作或检查。
9) Before working, remove the jewellery wristband and other conductive items.
9) 工作前,取下首饰腕带和其他导电物品。
10) When working or removing multiple wires, tape off all but the one wire you are working on.
10) 在处理或移除多条导线时,请用胶带将正在处理的一条导线以外的所有导线粘住。
11) Try as much as possible not to work on a live system and even if you do so by a professional and work carefully with full concentration.
11) 尽可能不要在实时系统上工作,即使你是由专业人员这样做的,也要全神贯注地仔细工作。
12) During working in a group or pair, organise a toolbox meeting and discuss the procedure, risk and hazards of the job at hand.
12) 在小组或结对工作期间,组织一个工具箱会议,讨论手头工作的程序、风险和危险。
13) If you don’t know about the system, ask for assistance. Don’t work without knowing it.
13) 如果您不了解该系统,请寻求帮助。不知道就不要工作。
14) Always think about your own safety and the safety of fellow persons while carrying out any electrical work.
14) 在进行任何电气作业时,要时刻考虑自己和他人的安全。
免责申明:本文来自Marine Insight,仅代表作者观点,不代表中国海员之家立场。其真实性及原创性未能得到中国海员之家证实,在此感谢原作者的辛苦创作,如转载涉及版权等问题,请作者与我们联系,我们将在第一时间处理,谢谢!联系邮箱:cnisu@54seaman.com
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