1. 船长应严格审核计划航线,尽量使用推荐公共航路合理制定航线,尽可能避开渔船集中作业水域,减少与渔船相遇的机会。
2. 对雷达、电子海图、AIS、VDR、VHF、航行灯和声号等设备进行检查和测试,确保正常可用。
3. 合理安排驾驶台航行值班人员,任何时候驾驶台应保持至少2名航行值班和瞭望人员。
4. 应在驾驶台显著位置标识渔区航行安全注意事项及相应行动对策。
1. 驾驶人员谨记:安全第一、宁可绕行、不要冒险!尽可能避免冒险进入渔船密集区域航行!
2. 合理安排值班人员,根据周围渔船密集程度和航行值班强度增加必要的航行值班人员,必要时应毫不犹豫立即呼叫船长上驾驶台指挥。
3. 船长应针对夜间渔区航行的特殊戒备要求制定和发布夜航命令。
4. 航行值班人员应加强瞭望,开启多台雷达工作,加强远近距离配合观测。勿过度依赖单一助航设备,每一船舶均应经常用视觉、听觉以及适合当时环境和情况下一切有效的手段保持正规了望。
5. 使用安全航速航行。
6. 确保AIS信息正确且工作正常。
7. 杜绝疲劳驾驶、酒后驾驶。
1. 每年伏季休渔结束后,是中国沿海渔船活动密度最高时段。
2. 夜间23时至次日凌晨4时是商渔船碰撞事故高发时段,应予以特别关注。
3. 应特别注意部分夜间锚泊渔船可能未按要求值班、显示号灯和开启AIS。还要特别注意大量渔网网位仪对AIS、雷达回波和电子海图的使用干扰。
4. 若观测到渔船船速在3节左右时,通常该渔船正在捕鱼作业中,操作能力受限,需要及早协调避让,最好保持1海里以上距离通过。
5. 商船与渔船即使发生轻微擦碰也可能造成渔船受损或翻沉,并且商船上的人员可能不容易察觉。因此,当近距离驶过渔船时,应仔细观察,确保未发生擦碰、浪损或船吸。
All relevant vessels:
Due to the exsitence of many fishing vessels and the complicated hydrometerological conditions, which have caused frequent collisions between merchant ships and fishing vessels in the China’s coastal waters, China MSA provides the following advice for the purpose of navigation safety:
1. Normal Navigational Methods
1.1 Before entering the waters where fishing vessels are concentrated
1.1.1 The captain should examine passage plan, as far as practicable adopt the recommended route and try the best to avoid entering the fishing vessels concentrated waters, so as to reduce the chance of encountering with fishing vessels.
1.1.2 Examine and test navigational aids and communication equipment such as RADAR, ECDIS/ECS, AIS, VDR, VHF, Navigational lights and sound-signalling equipment to ensure that all are in sound working condition.
1.1.3 Make proper arrangement on navigational watch. There should be at least 2 crew members engaged on the bridgewatch at all times.
1.1.4 Safety precautions and corresponding actions guide for navigating in the fishing area should be clearly posted at a prominent position on the bridge.
1.2 Navigating in or approaching to the waters where fishing vessels are concentrated
1.2.1 It should be borne in mind that: Safety First, Don't take risks, Take a detour! As far as practicable avoid entering the waters where fishing vessels are concentrated.
1.2.2 Appropriate bridge watch arrangement shall be made.The number of bridge team may be increased according to the high traffic density of fishing vessels. Don’t hesitate to call the captain to the bridge any time indoubt.
1.2.3 The captain should issue the night orders in response to the special precautionary requirements for the safe navigation in fishing area at the night time.
1.2.4 Bridge should keep sharp look-out, use two or more radars by long-range and short-range scanning. Do not rely too much on a single navigational aids, every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions.
1.2.5 Proceed at a safe speed at all times.
1.2.6 Make sure the AIS information is updated and the device is in good working condition.
1.2.7 All measures shall be taken to avoid watchkeepers to work in fatigue or after drinking .
1.3 Special Precautions
1.3.1 When the summer fishing moratorium ends,usually it is the time when the density of fishing vessels is highest.
1.3.2 Based on accident statistics, most collisions between merchant vessels and fishing vessels occur in the period between 2300 and 0400.Therefore special attention should be given in this duration.
1.3.3 Special attention should also be paid to some fishing vessels anchored at night which might not arrange watchkeeper or display proper lights or have operational AIS as required, and also to the interference from the excessiveuse of AIS onfishing nets or fishing marks.
1.3.4 When a fishing vessel is observed proceeding at the speed around 3 knots, she is possibly engaged in fishing and restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, keep clear at a safe distance whenever possible.
1.3.5 Even a slight collision or contact between a merchant vessel and a fishing vessel might capsize the fishing vessel and cause subsequent damage to both the vessel and her crew. Howeverit is sometimes hard to be observed by watchkeepers on merchant vessesls. Therefore, When passing a fishing vessel at close range, great care should be taken to ensure that there is no collision, wave damage or vessel suction..
1.3.6 It is recommended that vessels sailing from the southern parts of the South China Sea to Japanese or Korean ports, and vessels that do not call at Chinese ports, proceed from the waters east of Taiwan Island and try to stay away from the coastal waters of China..
2. Action to Avoid Collision
2.1 Comply with the COLREG 1972.Any action to avoid collision shall be taken in ample time.The alteration of course and/or speed shall be large enough.Action taken to avoid collision shall be such as to result in passing at a safe distance until the other vessel is past and clear.Try to coordinate the collision avoidance actions through VHF CH16; however if there is no response from the fishing vessel after several calls, it might means that the fishing vessel does not maintain listening watch on such channel. When communicating with VHF, give a full consideration to the limitations of accent and language expressionand ensure that both parties are clear about their intentions.
2.2 Watch out for uncoordinated actions taken by fishing vessels at close range. When finding a fishing vessel that needs emergency collision avoidance actions, give at least 5 short and rapid flashes by ALDIS light, or use a continuous sound signal to attract her attention.
2.3 In an emergency situation, you should also consider reducing speed or stopping the vessel to avoid collision in addition to the alteration of course.
2.4 Action to avoid collision should decided giving fullconsiderations tothe surrounding conditions, so that such action will not result in any close-quarter situations with any other vessels.
3. Emergency Rescue
3.1 When a collision is unavoidable, it should be avoided as far as possible that the bow of your own vessel is heading to the fishing vessel.
3.2 The vessel should be stopped immediately after a collision. Life-saving rescue should be put at first priority and all endeavors shall be made to carry out the on-site rescueas long as your own safety is not severely threatened.It is strictly forbidden to give up search and rescue and leave the scene without authorization. Such behavior at sea means giving up the lives of others and will face severe punishment by law! Aided by the modern technology, almost all hit-and-run ships will be tracked down.
3.3 Immediately call the vessels in the vicinity to attend to the rescue operations.
3.4 By all effective means, report to the nearest competent authority immediately. The content of such reportshould include the location of the accident, the name of the vessel in distress, casualties, damage, weather and sea conditions, rescue needs, etc..
Every crew member on navigational duty should be familiar with the above information.
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