75 Jellicoe Rd #02-00, Wavelink Building, Singapore 208738;
电话: +65 6390 1661;
电邮: spf@wavelink.com.sg。
52 Chin Swee Rd #08-00, Seacare Building, Singapore 169875;
电话: +65 6379 5666 ;
电邮: spf@seacare.com.sg。
Singapore Maritime officers’ Union
The Singapore Maritime officers’ Union (SMOU) is a progressive global union with a growing membership and a dynamic vision.
Established in 1951 to safeguard the interest and well-being of seafaring officers, SMOU plays a pivotal role in promoting good industrial relations between members and their employers, improving the wages and working conditions of members in the maritime industry through collective bargaining agreements with shipping companies which employ them.
SMOU promotes good industrial relations between seafarers (members) and their employers, the ship-owners and ship-management companies, and the governments through its strong tripartite relationships with the local, regional and international maritime community.
The union has seen tremendous progress, especially in the last 40 years, with membership increasing from 400 to more than 30,000 members.
SMOU values our members’ contributions to the maritime industry and global economy. While they focus on the challenges ahead, we continue to protect them wherever they are through our affiliated international representative offices around the world. We represent our members at international meetings organised by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
In addition to industrial matters, SMOU advances the cultural, recreational and educational aspirations of all its members and families.
We CARE for: Your Welfare, Your Family, Your Employment, Your Education
Whether you’re sailing or ashore, SMOU provides a range of welfare benefits, social activities and education programs to take care of you and your family’s needs.
Singapore Organisation of Seamen
The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) set up the Singapore Organisation of Seamen (SOS) on 30 October 1971. Singapore shipping companies had a bad impression of previous seamen’s unions but the NTUC helped to ensure all shipping companies affiliated to the Singapore Maritime Employers’ Federation and the Singapore Shipping Association supported the fledgling SOS.
The SOS pushed for a Board of Inquiry to be convened under the Industrial Relations Act in 1973. A key recommendation of the Board of Inquiry raised the wages of the seamen and awarded back-wages totalling more than $1 million.
By 2005, Seacare has blossomed into the Seacare Group with two holding companies, Seacare Holdings and Seacare Foundation, and twelve subsidiary/associate companies. During 2001-5, the Group posted a yearly turnover of more than $23 million and yearly profit-before-tax of $1 million, with a yearly staff strength of 1,000-plus.
Presently, the SOS serves 20,000 members, many of whom foreign seamen, while Seacare caters to, among others, ex-Singapore seamen as members, workers or consumers.
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