发表于 2017-06-15 16:24
A public letter to the AMSA and all PSC officers:
——Appeals from a Old Captain onboard / Capt.Zeng Xiaoyong
Recently,a Singapore flag ship under my command was unfortunately detained during AMSAinspection at port of Fremantle in Australia.
At about local time 1530 hours on 16thFeb., 2017, the AMSA inspector found out the rescue boat engine can be startedand run ahead and astern but failed to change its RPM and the remote controlhandle operated un-smoothly while inspection. The inspector immediately statedthat ship will be detained in this case. After I begged him give a chance formy crew to repair it without detention and finally he agreed if my crew is ableto make engine running in good order and handling in free condition before heleft. All my crew like the prisoner meeting amnesty, they all acted at once todismantle and free the little machine and hoped that they can complete repairsbefore inspector disembarked so as to avoid detention (equal to rebirth fromdead case).
Then Iaccompanied the inspector to my office to make his inspection report. He toldme he thought about my crew is unable to have the engine repaired because ofhuge difference on maintenance between the 2 strokes and 4 strokes machinery. Andthough Chinese crew familiar with huge machinery such as main engine andgenerator, not well-skilled for such little 4 strokes machine due to few boatsin poor China, unlike lots of boat in Australia so as more people well-skilledon it. Meanwhile, the inspector also thinks that most of Chinese shipyard is incapableto build ship in good quality and it is well-known in the world for the poorquality products made in China. During the inspector talked with me, he alwaysmentioned that Chinese crew in lower quality and Chinese Shipping Company inpoor management and Chinese Shipyard in unreliable quality. And some of myofficers also reflected the same issue to me. I admired the inspector for himwell-known my country, but I have to suspect that one inspector who have apretty prejudice against the people will be inspected how can believe theimpartiality on his inspection!
Notwithstanding his prejudice, theinspector should be proud and respected for his professional work. As he saidthat my crew finally not completed the repair job before he disembarked around6pm. However, my crew worked hard and managed to solve this problem and engineRPM can be changed in order next morning. The local technician just did buy thenew parts and then refitted it only. Although local technician did not show hishigh level skill in the case, Chinese crew’s skill seems not as poor as thoughtby the inspector.
So muchstatement foregoing which just tried to make clear and actual facts for you toknow the circumstance, but not to argue right and wrong for the detention. It wasnonsense and not the key point what I want to express and yet my originalintention to make this letter after the ideas revolved in my mind.
As above-mentioned, my ship was detainedjust because the small rescue boat engine not run in good order due toinsufficient knowledge caused inadequate maintenance only. We personally thoughtit was alright the engine can be started and run ahead and astern. RPM issuenot so seriously to endanger crew and ship safety and marine pollution at all. Rescueboat is used to save survival or person in water and we can use lifeboatinstead of it in case of wanted, and as a Master, I promised and ensured tohave it repaired in good order before departure, why so certainly and extremelyto detain my ship without any tolerance? So I want to inquire AMSA what is theindeed intention and purpose to implement PSC inspection at first. Could it besaid that it is for detention only? Surely I think it not be but should be exactlyto protect seaman’s profit and ship safety and prevent marine circumstancepollution from ship. And it means you should be the patron gods to protect seamenbut not the devil to hurt them! Regretfully, your gods not bring blesses butwith nightmares and scares in the most time to all seamen! And also not profitbut unnecessary loss to Shipowners! Sometimesyour PSC have become the tools to grab profit in the world due to some policyand human factors at the different countries and regions.
Disregard those poor countries, in this case, thedetention cost was USD552 for AMSA re-inspection and USD2,810 for replacementof one remote control box and two remote cables and half days attendance of onetechnician in your great and highly civilized western country, the Australia. Youmight be unknown the cost is sufficient to purchase a new whole machine inChina. And if the engine was not repaired in time due to wanted spare parts,ship must shift to anchorage until completion of repairs. So difficult toimagine how much loss to be suffered by the Shipowners because the launch costto anchorage is about USD3000 one trip and the ship’s hire expense is aboutUSD5, 000 to USD20, 000 per day and some unexpected underlying lose! How can wenot suspect that your purpose and motive to detain ship is impure, whenobserving your action as no care of the seamen’s feeling and shipowner’s fateat all?
In fact we are seriously worried about the impartialityof inspection in case of the inspector has prejudiced to carry out inspection. Inthis inspection, excepted above-mentioned prejudices against China by theinspector, while I argued some so-called deficiencies with him, he said thatthe ship has been detained so as all other deficiencies in dispute will not berecorded. Such statements let me have to suspect again the purpose and motiveof detention.
When I again begged the inspector and hopedhe can change the detention (30) to rectify before departure (17), he answeredme it was only possible unless he would retire. I understood his means that hemight lose his task if he canceled this detention at his disposal.
However, did you know how many crewmembers would be disemployeddue to this detention? And could you feel how shameful to the Master about thisevent? Supposed that your detention was good for crew, why didn’t you thinkabout the reasonable suggestion a little bit and consider the feeling ofcrewmember? Goal is the same to rectify deficiency, ensure safety of crewmemberand ship. On the other hand, crewmember and shipowner shall be never unwillingto take corrective action in their subjective. As it can be achieved by thecode 30 or 17, why should it be 30, which pushes the crewmember and shipcompany to an impasse?
Even for a criminal, judge shall considerthe subjective willingness and objective factors before pronouncing the finaljudgment of penalty or punishment, in which mercy was sometimes shown by givingthe criminal a chance to repent. For the crewmembers who are in yourprotection, and the ship company, which support your finance, please, pleasethink about it for one more second and give a little bit tolerance before you heldup the detention butcher knife to the ship and crew. Otherwise, you are massacringyour protégés but not your enemies!
In the short, my mean is very ***:
1. AMSAand PSC inspector’s prejudice to be affected the impartiality of the inspection;
2. AMSAand PSC inspection has become the tools to grab profit and the purpose andmotive of the inspection is impure.
Atlast, I hoped that I am free to make this appeals so as not to cause my company,my ship and myself any unexpected lose.
——To all the seamen brothers whoare hard working at the sea!
——To the respectable Shipownerswho are struggling against the lower shipping market for us!
——And to all of AMSA & PSCofficers who are still keeping clean conscience in their heart!
1. Igraduated at Guangzhou Marine School in 1992 and as a Master from 2002 tillnow. Total 25 years worked on board and shipyard.
2. The figure17,30, etc is the common code for PSC (Port State Control) inspection, the 17means deficiency must be rectified before departure and 30 means seriousdeficiency must be detain ship for correction.
3. Rescueboat, a small and open type boat which driven by engine and equipped on boardto save person in water.
4. Confinedto my poor English knowledge, all contents should be based on the Chinese wordsif any disputes/doubts happened.
———— 一位老船长的心声 · 曾小勇
1. AMSA和PSC检查官的偏见会影响检查的公正性;
2. AMSA和PSC检查很多时候已经沦为谋利的工具,其目的和动机不纯;
附注:1. 本人于1992年毕业于广州海运学校驾驶专业,从2002年开始任船长至今,在船舶及船厂工作25年了。
2. 17,30等数字是PSC(PORT STATE CONTROL港口国监管)检查中通用的代码,17指缺陷需要在开航前纠正,30指滞留船舶直到缺陷纠正。其实PSC除了澳大利亚叫AMSA外,美国叫COAST GUARD.叫法不同而已其实性质一样。
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