发表于 2017-03-31 17:14
按Panama船旗国要求,凡悬挂Panama船旗的船舶,每年均需接受Panama Annual Safety Inspection(简称ASI检查),该船旗国于3月18日发布了一条通知,此通知适用于所有巴拿马旗的船旗国检查,现将要点摘录出来,供Panama旗船舶管理人员及船长参考,原文附后。
本通知是船旗国发布给所有Panama ASI Inspector的,其要点是:
Dear Inspectors :
as a reminder of the ASI GUIDE, bear in mind that each inspectoris assigned to One Specific Portonly and has an operational range of twenty-five (25) miles from his assignedport. The inspector may inspect vessels outside his/her operational area onlyin special cases and if it has been authorized by THE FLAG STATE INSPECTIONSECTION.
Inspectorsshall not solicit payment of travel expenses to ship-owner/operator/master ofvessels that call in the inspector’s assigned port. If an inspection is morethan 26 miles from the inspector’s assigned port it will require some travel(either by land, air or sea), the inspector shall not travel until it is agreedwith the ship-owner/operator/master that travel expenses will be honored orthat travel arrangements will be made. If the ship-owner/operator/master doesnot want to pay for the travel expenses, the inspector may or may not declineperforming the inspection.
For anyfurther information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
VanessaPalacio de Alexopulos
Chief of Flag StateInspection Section
Navigationand Maritime Safety Department
Directorate of Merchant Marine
Panama MaritimeAuthority
Telephones:+(507) 501-5034/5035|vpalacio@amp.gob.pa|www.segumar.com
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