一艘荷兰短途海运货船H&S Wisdom在亨伯河口的沙洲上搁浅两周后成功重新浮起。
在亨伯救援组织(Humber Rescue)的协助下,救援人员在多次尝试失败后,于3月15日晚成功救出了这艘船。
3月2日,这艘260英尺(82米)长的货船从鹿特丹出发,装载着钢材,在前往斯肯索普附近的Gunness Wharf港口时被困在Brough附近。
3月15日,格林尼治标准时间晚上7点左右,随着潮水的到来,H&S Wisdom终于在不需要任何干预的情况下重新浮起。一艘拖船协助将该船引导回航道,然后将其护送到附近的码头进行检查。
▲Image Credits: Humber Rescue/Facebook
A Dutch short-sea cargo ship, H&S Wisdom, was successfully refloated after being stranded on a sandbank in the Humber Estuary for two weeks.
Salvage crew, assisted by Humber Rescue, managed to free the vessel on the evening of March 15 after a series of failed attempts.
The 260 foot (82 meter) vessel, carrying a cargo of steel from Rotterdam, became stuck on March 2 near Brough while heading to Gunness Wharf Port near Scunthorpe.
As the tide went out, the ship was firmly lodged in the mud, making initial rescue efforts unsuccessful. Officials were concerned that it might remain stuck until an expected high tide in April.
Shortly after the vessel ran aground, three attempts were made to free it, but they were abandoned when it became clear that the ship was too firmly wedged in the estuary.
The crew remained on board throughout the two-week ordeal, with supplies being ferried to them from shore. Two barges with cranes were brought in to remove a major portion of the steel cargo to lighten the load on the vessel.
Humber Rescue, a volunteer-based search and rescue organisation, played an important role in assisting with surveyor transfers and logistical support.
On March 15, at around 7:00 pm GMT, as the tide came in, H&S Wisdom finally refloated without requiring any intervention. A tugboat assisted in guiding the vessel back into the channel before escorting it to a nearby pier for inspections.
Local residents gathered along the river bank to witness it, with some expressing their excitement to see the ship finally freed. Reports quoted a bystander saying that this moment would be remembered for years.
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