2025年3月10日,悬挂葡萄牙国旗的“Solong”号撞上了停泊在英格兰东北海岸外的“Stena Immaculate”号,当时这艘船正在为美国军方运送航空燃料。
这导致两艘船上发生大规模爆炸和火灾,之后英国当局展开了大规模救援行动。“Solong”号船长弗拉基米尔·莫廷(Vladimir Motin),59岁,已被确认为圣彼得堡的俄罗斯公民。
周六,他在赫尔地方法院出庭,被控在“Solong”号上38岁的菲律宾船员马克·安吉洛·佩尼亚(Mark Angelo Pernia)失踪并被推定死亡一事上犯有重大过失杀人罪。
检察官告诉法庭,“Stena Immaculate”号在碰撞前已经停泊了15个多小时。他们表示,“Solong”号直接驶向静止的油轮超过40分钟,但没有试图改变航向或速度。
“Solong”号以超过15节(27.8公里/小时)的速度撞上了锚定的“Stena Immaculate”号,这艘船上装载着22万桶美国国防部的航空燃料。
碰撞发生后,“Stena Immaculate”号上的23名船员全部获救。与此同时,“Solong”号14名船员中只有13人被安全救出。
在碰撞后的几天里,“Stena Immaculate”号并没有显示出任何明显的火灾损害,但直到周五,“Solong”号上仍有小火在燃烧。
英国海上事故调查处,以及美国和葡萄牙当局,正在调查碰撞的确切原因。与此同时,“Stena Immaculate”号仍停泊在英国海岸外,而“Solong”号则被一艘拖船拖在近海。
▲Screengrab from YouTube video posted by The Mirror
The captain of the cargo ship Solong has appeared in a UK court on charges of gross negligence manslaughter after the vessel collided with a US-flagged tanker in the North Sea.
The Portuguese-flagged Solong crashed into the Stena Immaculate, which was anchored off England’s northeast coast, on 10 March 2025, while carrying jet fuel for the US military.
This caused a massive explosion and a fire onboard both vessels, after which the British authorities initiated a major rescue operation. The captain of the Solang, Vladimir Motin, aged 59, has been identified as a Russian national from St. Petersburg.
He appeared at Hull Magistrates’ Court on Saturday and is accused of gross negligence manslaughter over the disappearance and presumed death of Mark Angelo Pernia, aged 38, a Filipino crew member aboard the Solong.
Prosecutors told the court that the Stena Immaculate had been anchored for more than 15 hours before the collision. They stated that the Solong had been heading directly toward the stationary tanker for over 40 minutes but made no attempts to change course or speed.
There were also no communication attempts from the Solong to warn of the impending crash. Motin did not enter a plea and was remanded into custody. His next hearing is scheduled at the Old Bailey on April 14.
The Solong was travelling at over 15 knots (27.8 km/h) when it struck the anchored Stena Immaculate, which was loaded with 220,000 barrels of jet fuel for the US Department of Defense.
The tanker is part of a fleet of 10 vessels operated under the US military’s Tanker Security Program to ensure fuel transport during crises.
After the collision, all 23 crew members aboard the Stena Immaculate were rescued. Meanwhile, only 13 crew members out of all 14 from the Solong were brought to safety.
British authorities called off the search after efforts made to locate Mark Angelo Pernia were unsuccessful. The jet fuel cargo burned off in the fire, preventing a major spill.
The Stena Immaculate did not show any visible fire damage in the days after the collision, but small fires continued to burn on the Solong until Friday.
Environmental organisation Greenpeace raised concerns about the crash, stating that an environmental disaster had been narrowly avoided.
The vessel Solong failed steering-related safety checks in Ireland in July and was found to have additional deficiencies in an inspection in Scotland in October.
The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch, along with US and Portuguese authorities, is investigating the exact cause of the collision. Meanwhile, the Stena Immaculate remains anchored off the English coast, while the Solong is being held offshore by a tugboat.
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