2025年3月13日,印度尼西亚拉蒙干附近海域,“Ronggolawe 09”号油轮发生爆炸,随后起火,四名船员仍下落不明。三名船员死于火灾,另有几人烧伤。
事故发生时,该油轮正在向“Rosalyn 08”拖轮非法转移燃料。
据报道,“Ronggolawe 09”号在未经官方授权的情况下,于上午5点30分向拖船转移了约25吨高速柴油。
火灾被扑灭后,油轮前部和中部严重受损,因此,它被拖到PT Lamongan Marine Industry船厂附近的海滩上。
▲Image for representation purposes only.
Four crew members of the tanker Ronggolawe 09 remain missing after an onboard explosion, followed by a fire in the waters close to Lamongan, Indonesia, on March 13, 2025. Three crew members died because of the fire, and a few others sustained burns.
The incident occurred when the tanker was conducting an illegal fuel transfer to the Rosalyn 08 tug.
The Ronggolawe 09 was reportedly transferring about 25 tonnes of high-speed diesel fuel to the tug at 5:30 a.m without official authorization.
The blast happened 30 minutes later, after which a fire broke out on the tanker and spread to the tug rapidly. All the crew members from both the vessels jumped into the waters to avoid the fire while the tanker drifted away, completely engulfed in raging flames.
Attempts to put out the fire began at 9:00 a.m, and the fire on the tug was extinguished by 10:00 am while the fire onboard the tanker could be reduced by 12:30 p.m.
Officers from East Java Police’s Water and Air Directorate, the Lamongan Police, and Lamongan Shorebase Port officials were sent to deal with the situation.
An investigation has been opened, and the search for the missing seafarers is ongoing.
After the fire was extinguished, the tanker sustained serious damage in its front and middle part, hence, it was towed to a beach close to the PT Lamongan Marine Industry shipyard.
Per authorities, there were 11 crew members aboard the tanker when the accident occurred.
免责申明:本文根据 Jakarta Post, Vessel Tracker等内容整理,如有误差,以英文为准;仅代表作者观点,不代表中国海员之家立场。其真实性及原创性未能得到中国海员之家证实,在此感谢原作者的辛苦创作,如转载涉及版权等问题,请作者与我们联系,我们将在第一时间处理,谢谢!联系邮箱:cnisu@54seaman.com
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