丹麦联合救援协调中心(Joint Rescue Coordination Center)于当地时间2120在“Sofia”号船上发现了这一问题,并向瑞典武装部队报告了这一问题,因为该船正在他们的区域内,位于波罗的海丹麦岛博恩霍尔姆(Bornholm)以东30 海里处。
“索菲亚”号由瑞典公司Fiducia Shipping运营,该公司于2019年收购了这艘船。这艘72米长的船在瑞典注册,1986年在德国建造,用于运输小麦、油菜籽、燃料颗粒、大麦、燕麦、小麦等。
Authorities in Denmark and Sweden rescued the crew members of a burning feeder cargo vessel off the Swedish coast on Thursday night.
The Danish Joint Rescue Coordination Center found the issue onboard the vessel Sofia at 2120 local time and reported it to the Swedish Armed Forces as the ship was in their zone, 30 hm east of Bornholm, a Danish Island in the Baltic Sea.
The ship was sailing empty from Poland and was on its way to Ellenholm in Sweden for loading cargo.
The crew informed that there was a fire on the ship and they needed assistance after which the Swedish authorities sent a helicopter while the Coast Guard remained in touch with the crew.
The Swedish Maritime Administration reported that all crew were safe and were taken to Kristianstad by helicopter, which was first to reach the scene and saw the fire at the ship’s bow.
Though media reports also said there was an explosion, till now the cause of the fire is not determined.
The Danish frigate Absalon, on its way back from a naval exercise, was also deployed to the scene of the accident.
The Swedish Maritime Authority mentioned that the rescue was swift and all crew were safely taken to the shore by its helicopter, just an hour and a few minutes after the alert. During the rescue, winds blew at a speed of around 33 knots and the ship rolled heavily in the Baltic waters, per videos circulating on the internet.
The Sofia is operated by Fiducia Shipping, a Swedish company that acquired the vessel in 2019. The 72 m long vessel is registered in Sweden, was constructed in Germany in 1986, and transports wheat, rapeseed, fuel pellets, barley, oats, wheat etc.
The owner of the vessel has hired tugboats to salvage the drifting vessel, which is in no immediate danger, per the Polish Maritime Agency.
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