发表于 2015-04-20 15:50
什么叫走锚?英语中称之为“dragging anchor”,从纸面意思就可以知道是由于某种原因使锚抓地力不足以克服船舶由于水流和风所产生的力,从而船舶带着锚和锚链发生移动的现象。如果走锚后不及时采取有效的措施,极易发生碰撞,搁浅。A merchantvessel is said to be having a “dragging anchor” when the vessel drifts withoutholding power inspite of being anchored. Dragging anchor has been the reasonfor several accidents such as collision, grounding, or stranding.
船舶需要抛锚一般是因为如下原因:Merchant vessels stay at anchorage forvarious reasons:
候泊Waiting for berthing prospectus
锚地过驳装卸货Cargo discharge and loading
船舶保养,洗舱等For carrying out maintenance , hatch cleaning
锚泊等待指示Waiting for Instructions from owners or charters
等待检验检疫Quarantine etc.
恶劣天气是造成走锚的主要原因。这就要求船长在抛锚是充分考虑到当时所处和可能面对的环境,进而做出适当的抛锚方式。一般情况下需要考虑到如下情况:The main reasonfor a vessel dragging its anchor is because of rough weather conditions. Insuch situations, it is extremely important for seafarers to collect allnecessary information to familiarise with the situation and prevent dragging ofanchor as much as possible. Some important parameters that needs to beconsidered are:
天气情况Prevailing weather condition of that particular area
安全锚位的选择Safe position for anchoring the vessel
风和潮汐Wind and tidal behaviour of that area
港口当局的联系方式Contact information of port authorities in case of assistance required etc.
在某些港口,有时需要抛锚数天甚至是数周。在这么长的时间里就要求船长和船员时刻要注意确认是否有不安全因素的存在。并且要根据所获得的信息对一些可能会发生的危险情况做好合理的准备和预防措施。At most ports,it is inevitable for a vessel to wait at anchorage and the time at anchoragecan be for days or even weeks. During such times, the master and shipcrew should identify possible dangers to the ship and make all the necessarypreparations.
如果根据当时对环境因素的推断,船舶有可能会发生走锚的现象,那么可以采取如下的措施以预防:Following pointsshould be considered by a seafarer prior anchoring where dragging anchoris predicated:
在船舶富余水深和稳性允许的前提下适当压载。Take on heavy weather ballast, taking in to account the stability of the vessel and depth of water below the keel
根据天气和船舶大小以及周围船舶等情况适量多放出一些锚链。Pay out more anchor cable depending on the size of the vessel and weather condition
与他船及浅滩等尽量保持一定的安全距离。Keep a safe distance from other anchored ships, shoals and other dangers, leaving room for manoeuvring
在得到港口当局VTS的允许下将船尽量远离船舶密集区域Weigh anchor and shift the vessel to different position away from the vicinity of other vessels, provided prior permission is received from VTS of that area, port authorities and owner’s orders
适当增加值班人手Increase the efficiency of the bridge team by adding an extra lookout
备车Keep the main engines standby for maneuverability
怎么判定船舶是否走锚?How to assess the vessel is dragging itsanchor?
通过各种手段和措施定时检查锚位,如果发现船位已经不再“摆动圆”范围之内,那么船舶极有可能已经开始走锚。Check the ship’s position at frequent intervals, to confirm if the vessel is outside the swinging circle. Use all available means, both visual and electronic equipment such as GPS, RADAR and ECDIS, to make the appraisal of the situation. If the vessel deviates from the circle, it is likely to be dragging its anchor
船首已不能顶风。The bow cannot stand against the wind
锚链有抖动现象Extra vibration and weight on anchor cable
检查船舶的对地速度(但是注意船舶的左右摆动所产生的对地速度区分开来)Check the speed over ground (SOG) when the vessel is swinging, the SOG can increase variably and this should not be misinterpreted
检查航向记录仪Check the course recorder for figure of eight motion locus
当然也需要注意观察周围船舶是否走锚,如发现他船有走锚现象也要及时采取措施预防与本船碰撞。Also monitor the position and distance of vessels nearby. In case if they are dragging counter measures to be taken to safe guard own vessel
那么发现走锚该采取什么措施?What actions tobe taken if the vessel has started dragging anchor?
不管何时,如发现问题都要及时通知船长。Master to be informed, do not hesitate to call him at any time of the day, his experience and decision making authority is vital in any give situation
通知机舱备车,备好锚机。Inform engine room and start the main engine with the permission from the master and give power to windlass if it is not already given. Make the vessel ready for manoeuvring
如果船舶在锚地装卸货,需立即停止,解绑装卸驳船。Stop all cargo operations and prepare vessel for manoeuvring. Let go cargo barges and crane barges if they are alongside
通知VTS以及周围船舶自己的状态和动态。得到VTS指定锚位后从新抛锚。Inform and alert Vessel traffic system (VTS) and other vessels nearby about the condition and inform about the actions taken. Seek permission for re-anchoring
Start heaving up the anchor and once the vessel’s maneuverability is restored, shift the anchorage position where drifting can be safer or take to the open sea
放下更多锚链或是再抛一锚(大船不建议采用这种做法)。Deploy more cables or drop a second anchor (not recommended for big vessels) before the speed of dragging of the vessel increases. This can stop the small vessel from dragging anchor at very early stage before the ship is pressed to leeward side with increasing speed
Use bow thrusters, main engine and steering to manoeuvre. It becomes more difficult to weigh anchor when the vessel is pressed more to the leeward side and takes considerable amount of time. Use bow thrusters for stemming the wind. Do not override the anchor especially in shallow waters as the vessel may impact on the anchor during pitching.
If the scenario permits, let the vessel drag in a controlled manner. But this is not recommended in areas where offshore work such as oil and gas operations are being carried out, which can result in damaging the submerged pipe lines, cables etc.
当遇到实在绞不起来,经慎重考虑后,可采取弃锚措施。Release the bitter end and let go the anchor completely, when weighing of anchor is not possible. A ship without minimum of 2 anchors is not considered to be sea worthy, a careful assessment is to be made prior making this decision
请求拖轮协助。Call (tugs) for assistance. This is possible only if the weather permits
Most accidents collision or grounding happens while the vessel is at anchor mainly because of no early prediction of dragging anchor. Time plays a vital role in area of high vessel density and this time lapse results in difficulty in restoring themanoeuvrability of the vessel. Ensure that proper contingency plan is setin place to control such incidents and avoid arising of any emergency due todragging anchor.
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