发表于 2014-06-10 00:00

Ship Manoeuvering 船舶操纵
Dialog A: Overtaking
对话: 追越
M/V Uthai Navee: I, M/V Uthai Navee, will overtake you on your starboard side. Over.
“尤特海奈维”船: 我船,“尤特海奈维”号,准备从你的右舷追越,请讲。
M/V Wan Tong: I can not locate you on my radar. What is your present course and speed now? over.
“万通”船: 我不能在雷达上识别你,你现在的航向和航速是多少?请讲。
M/V Uthai Navee: Course 175 degrees, speed 20 knots. Over.
“尤特海奈维”船: 航向175°,速度20节,请讲。
M/V Wan Tong: I identified you on my radar. Advise you make course 200 degrees. Shallow water ahead of you.
“万通”船: 我已在雷达上识别你了,建议你航向200°,你前方有浅水区。
Dialog B: Restricted Visibility
对话2: 视线不良
Captain: The visibility is expected to decrease to 1,000 meters in the next 4 hours. Chief Mate and Second Mate keep a watch on bow and stern immediately.
船长: 视线在4小时后要下降到1000米。大副,二副分别瞭头,瞭尾。马上行动。
Chief Mate: Yes, sir. I will tell Second Mate as soon as possible.
大副: 遵命,我将尽快告诉二副。
Captain: (on the bridge) Dead slow ahead.
船长: (在驾驶台)微速前进。
Third Mate: Dead slow ahead. Now engine dead slow ahead. (Write down logbook)
三副: 微速前进。现在微速前进。(填写航海日志)
Captain: A long blast to warn the vessels in vicinity.
船长: 一长声警告附近的船只。
Chief Mate: The bow is not clear. Fishing boats ahead. Advise hard-a-starboard. (on VHF)
大副: 船头不清爽。前方有渔船,建议右满舵。(在VHF上)
Dialog C: Proceeding down River
对话3: 沿河而下
Yuan Ji/BJVL: Newharbour Pilot Station. This is Chinese M/V Yuan Ji. Call sign BJVL. My destination is Avonport. My ETA at Pilot Station is 1330 local time. Draft forward 6 meters. Draft aft 6.9 meters. I have a list to starboard of one degree. Over.
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