海事声明,是指运输过程中,船舶遭遇海损事故或恶劣天气造成或可能造成船舶或货物损害,船长所签署的声明。该声明申述本船对不可抗力所造成的任何损害不负任何责任,同时保留向有关方索赔和在适当的时间和地点延伸或补充声明的权利。海事声明经第一抵达港的航海机关或公证机构或船籍国驻当地使领馆签证后,就成为保险人所必须取得的文件。按照国际惯例,如须提交海事声明,应在开舱前送交签证; 如等开舱后发现船、货的损害与所递交的海事声明有关时,船方还可以作补充说明或者延伸声明,重申对损害不负任何责任或者保留向有关方索赔的权利。多数国家的法庭对海事声明的效力未予肯定,有少数国家的法律(如苏联海商法)明确规定了海事声明具有证据效力。
海事声明的作用是: 船长签署海事声明的目的是说明船舶遇到不可抗力,对船货已经或可能造成损失,承运人不负责任。船舶到达第一个港口的24小时内,应由船长把海事声明提交港务监督,在国外则提交本国驻当地领事馆或其他有关机构鉴证,有时也可交公证机关鉴证。海事声明一般附存航海日志摘要。海事声明的法律地位各国不一,欧洲大陆国家一般作为法定依据;美国则认为仅是单方面的事实记录,不能作为对船方有利的证明文件。船长提交海事声明所涉情节有关。可以另作延伸海事声明,重申对损失或损坏不负责任并保留向有关方面索赔的权利。
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01. 亏仓声明
Dead Freight Letter
To: [Shipper / Charters / Appointed Agent]
Dear Sir or Madam,
In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Charter Party applicable to this voyage and the sailing instructions, the vessel ordered [name of shipper] to provide on board [quantity: A] metric tons of [cargo – type and grade] at [name of the port] for carriage to [name of discharging Port] and had provided cargo space on board sufficient to load the quantity as so ordered accordingly.
Upon the completion of loading at this port on [date, time], the total cargo loaded on board was found to be [quantity: B] metric tons as per quantity shown on the Mate’s Receipt / Bills of lading, which is definitely short of the quantity as so ordered.
Therefore, I, Captain [name], the Master of the M.V. [name of vessel] hold all of you fully responsible and liable for loss of freight or other result whatsoever due to and/or in relation to the alleged shortage of [quantity: A - B] metric tons of [cargo - type and grade] as the above-mentioned.
Yours faithfully,
(Signature) (Signature)
---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
Master of M/V [Name of Vessel] [Shipper/Charters/Agent]
For and on behalf of all the owners of M.V. “[name of vessel]”
Copy to: owners, ship manager, charterer