面对条款繁杂字体细小而且往往时间仓促的劳务签约很多船员不能迅速调整好自己的状态总是以为既然是正式合同,他们还能骗人不成,了不起就到法院告他们如果这样想法,大错特错合同欺诈已经成为船员劳务纠纷的最大比例案件提醒船员:千万不要低估雇主或者中介的黑心程度这里逐条讲解标准合同,希望大家跟贴 Article 1: Application 1.1 This IBF Framework Agreement sets out the standard terms and conditions applicable only to seafarers serving on any ship owned or operated by a company in membership with the Joint Negotiating Group in respect of which there is in existence an IBF Special Agreement. 1.2 This Agreement is deemed to be incorporated into and to contain the terms and conditions of employment of any seafarer to whom this Agreement applies whether or not the Company has entered into an individual Contract of Employment with the seafarer. 1.3 It is understood and agreed that nothing contained in this Agreement is intended to or shall be construed as to restrict in any way the authority of the Master. 1.4 The IBF Special Agreement requires the Company, inter alia to employ the seafarers on the terms and conditions of an ITF approved agreement, and to enter into individual contracts of employment with any seafarer to whom this Agreement applies, incorporating the terms and conditions of an ITF approved Agreement. The Company undertakes that it will comply with all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 1.5 The words “seafarer”, “ship”, IBF Special Agreement’, “Union”, “ITF” and “company” when used in this Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the IBF Special Agreement. Furthermore, “seafarer” refers to each seafarer to whom this Agreement applies. 1.6 Each seafarer, shall be covered by the Agreement with effect from the date on which they are engaged, whether they have signed Articles or not, until the date on which they sign off and/or the date until which, in accordance with this Agreement, the Company is liable for the payment of wages, whether or not any employment contract is executed between the seafarer and the Company and whether or not the Ship’s Articles are endorsed or amended to include the rates of pay specified in this Agreement.