据推测,这艘沉船的长度为50 ~ 60米,船上还发现了大炮和锚等文物,因此有可能是一艘军舰。
据报道,潜水小组组长萨提亚吉特·马内(Satyajeet Mane)表示,该小组最初并没有意识到这一发现的重要性。经过仔细检查,大炮和锚的存在证实它很可能是一艘军舰。
潜水员的导师、海洋科学家Idrees Babu博士说,沉船上的珊瑚生长和腐蚀表明它已经被淹没了几个世纪。他补充说,这样的发现以前在Lakshadweep地区没有记录。
▲Image for representation purposes only
A team of divers exploring near Kalpeni Island in the Lakshadweep archipelago has found the wreckage of a European warship.
The shipwreck, believed to date back to the 17th or 18th century, was found on the western side of the island on Saturday.
This discovery, described as the first of its kind in the region, has garnered interest from historians and archaeologists. Experts believe the ship could have belonged to one of the major European powers active in the region during that time-Britain, Netherlands or Portugal.
The wreck, estimated to be 50 to 60 meters in length, was found with artefacts like a cannon and an anchor, which gives hints that it was a warship.
Experts say that the ship might have been constructed using iron or a combination of iron and wood, materials typical of European vessels from that era.
Satyajeet Mane, who led the diving group, reportedly said that the team initially did not realise the importance of the find. Upon closer inspection, the presence of the cannon and anchor confirmed that it was likely a warship.
Marine scientist Dr Idrees Babu, a mentor to the divers, said that the coral growth and corrosion on the wreck show that it had been submerged for several centuries. He added that such a discovery had not been recorded in the Lakshadweep region before.
Dr Babu explained that the ship’s design and materials reveal that it may have been used during maritime conflicts over control of trade routes between the Middle East and Sri Lanka. He discussed the need for underwater archaeological studies to determine the ship’s origins.
Experts believe the ship may have been involved in conflicts over trade route dominance during the 17th and 18th centuries. The East India Company and other European powers frequently used iron ships for trade and warfare during this period.
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