Qingdao Nuosincrew Ship Management Co., Ltd is engaged in providing excellent Chinese seafarers to these world-known ship owners and management companies .
1. The main service is to provide full set , half set or individual crew for owners from Germany ,Singapore, Japan, Hongkong, Taiwan,with whom we have established a stable and long-term cooperation successfully.
2. The ship’s type including General cargo, Container, Bulk carrier, Tanker, LPG, LNG as well as other special vessels. General speaking, the average ship age is less than 10 years ; contract period between 4—10 months depends on your position onboard and ship’s type; the salary in market is competitive.
3. All good experienced officers and ratings are welcome to join Qingdao Nuosincrew for further cooperation and development. we will do our best to arrange the most suitable position and ship for you to meet your requirements.
青岛耀华船舶管理有限公司 NUOSINCREW 是于2007年于青岛成立专业从事船舶管理和船员外派的新兴公司,主要业务是向国外船公司和管理公司(客户)提供高素质的中国船员。目前公司已与台湾、德国、新加坡、日本及香港等国家和地区的二十多家客户建立直接或间接的业务关系,参照国际惯例,致力招聘,培训,建立和发展一支稳定的高级船员队伍,长期向船东提供合格船员和优质服务,为船东和船员架起合作之桥,赢得了船东和船员的信任,努力实现了三方共赢。
客户背景:公司先后与国外近20家国外船东(管理公司) 建立了稳固的合作关系,与国内13家直接的管理公司建立共赢关系。 ......