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发布时间: 2022-02-16 16:08    更新时间: 2022-02-16 16:08


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7-tUlxr_no&list=PL-Kbjik4MwIjedHvG5gqUigI1IfG1MsMU&ab_channel=CasualNavigation 听起来很奇怪,船可以被描述为”右撇子“或”左撇子“。 这与他们天生用哪只手写字无关,但它实际上告诉我们他们的螺旋桨旋转的方向以及它对船舶操纵的影响。 你以前可能听说过“螺旋桨致偏”或“横向推力”。这两者都描述了效果本身。右旋进和左旋进只是我们用来知道什么是船的螺旋桨旋转,以及当你倒车时它会做什么的术语。 Strange as it sounds, ships can be described as either Right or Left Handed.  It has nothing to do with which hand they naturally write with, but it actually tells us which way their propeller spins and the effect that it has on ship handling. You may have heard the terms propeller walk, or transverse thrust before. These both describe the effect itself. Right handed and left handed is just the terms we use to know what was a ship's propeller spins and consequently what she will do when you run astern.

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