1959潜艇The Atomic Submarine

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发布时间: 2018-01-01 11:01    更新时间: 2018-01-01 19:39


在这部核潜艇科幻/惊悚片中,20世纪60年代末,各国的商船、科考队、军舰潜艇穿梭于北极地区。但是,北极却接连发生神秘事件,总计约有8艘轮船和7艘潜艇离奇失踪,船上人员生死未卜。此事轰动世界,美国五角大楼高层专门召来“虎鲨号”核潜艇的舰长丹•瑞德沃(迪克•福兰 Dick Foran 饰)以及科技精英,派遣他们前往北极一探究竟。 他们的旅途漫长艰辛,船员们在并不知晓目的的前提下情绪甚为低落。在快要接近南极圈的时候,“虎鲨号”发现前方海域运行的不明物体,瑞德沃舰长等人认定这就是引起事端的UFO。他们一路追踪,和UFO展开了追逐战。最终,他们和这群长着一只巨眼并有无数触角的外星怪物相遇。一场实力悬殊的恶战在所难免……©豆瓣

In the far and distant future of 1968, many ships and planes are crossing the North pole to transport passengers and cargo. However lately more than eight ships and seven submarines have vanished mysteriously. The Tigershark is sent out to investigate their whereabouts and - if possible - remove the cause of their disappearance. But the life form Commander Vandover and his crew encounter may be too powerful even for their weapons of newest technology...

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