青春珊瑚岛 1980

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发布时间: 2017-12-27 22:28    更新时间: 2017-12-27 22:28


一次意外中,艾米丽(波姬·小丝 Brooke Shields 饰)和理查德(克里斯托弗斯·阿特金斯 Christopher Atkins 饰)流落到了一座孤岛上,面对凶险的大自然,他们必须为自己开拓一片赖以生存的环境。好在岛上的物资十分的丰饶,两人的生活上不成问题,只是在偌大的天地间,茕茕独立的孤独只有两人自己清楚。 获救之日遥遥无期,艾米丽和理查德却早已习惯了岛上闲散安逸的生活。孤男寡女,奇妙的感情慢慢的拉近了两人的距离,不久之后,艾米丽生下了一名男婴,为两人的生活又增加了一份快乐。救援队的不期而至打破了这世外桃源般的生活,在和救援人员进行了交流后,两人发现,他们早已不适合再生活在文明社会之中,两人决定留在此地,永远的生活在他们的伊甸园之中。©豆瓣

On a journey to San Francisco, Richard, his father and cousin Emmeline find themselves on a ship about to explode. Rushed to a lifeboat with Paddy Button, the two children escape while their father (and uncle) are on another lifeboat. In the chaos following, the lifeboats are separated. Paddy, Richard and Emmeline find themselves with no food and no water stuck in the middle of nowhere. After some time, the three come across an uncharted paradise, where Paddy quickly teaches the children fishing, hunting and building. After maybe a month or two, Paddy gets very drunk off a barrel of rum found on the island when they first arrive, and drowns in the middle of the night. Emmeline and Richard, now alone and very scared, move location and rebuild their island home. Many years later, the two young teenagers have developed a very real home, but hormones and feelings between the two strain their friendship, until Richard, who is still very determined to reach San Francisco, is let down by Emmeline when a ship passes by the island and she does not light the signal fire. Throwing her out of the home they had built together, Emmeline attempts to survive on her own but is hurt. After Richard finds her dying, he realizes how he really feels for her and manages to save her. Nature runs its course and their friendship turns into love as the couple learn about the facts of life, when Emmeline has a baby and does not understand why.


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