There are 2 routes used for Denmark Straits to Baltic sea.
一条航路是通过THE SOUND ROUTE,吃水低于7米的货轮不强制要求引航,空船压载状况下多选择本航路。
Route one is via THE SOUND ROUTE in which pilotage is not compulsory for the cargo ship draft less than 7 meters and it mostly chosen by ship under ballast condition.
航路北部入口狭窄,有渡轮往来穿梭,航经此处需要加强瞭望,留心渡轮以及进出港口船舶动态,并控制好速度,提前避让确保安全。报告系统SOUNDREP 以纬度55-50.0N分为两部分,北部使用VHF CH73频道,南部使用VHF CH71频道。进入航路前需要向SOUND TRAFFIC报告航行计划,即打算通过DISKEN浅滩和小岛VEN的哪一边(东边或者西边),以及是否通过DROGDEN CHANNEL。过分界线换值守频道,无须报告。DROGDEN 航道水浅(8.0米),需要控制船速,而且非常狭窄,估计也就100米宽。会遇船舶时尤其要小心操纵,避免偏离航道以致搁浅。好在航道的灯标保养得很好,灯光及浮标位置都一目了然,让人放心。
The north entrance of this route is narrow and frequent ferry boats here, keep sharp lookout and pay more attention to the ferry boats and vessels movement to come in and out the harbor, and control ship speed to ensure safety. Report system, the SOUNDREP is divided with two parts base on the lat.55-50N line. VHF CH 73 used for North and CH71 for the South. You should report your route plan to the SOUND TRAFFIC including to pass east or west of DISKEN SHALLOW WATER and VEN island, and if pass the DROGDEN CHANNEL or not. No report required when passing the divide line but change the VHF channel only. DROGDEN channel water depth is only 8 meter, and very narrow, the width is about 100 meters, so please reduce speed and carefully manoeuvring when meeting vessel to avoid deviating channel to run aground. Fortunately, the buoys in the channel are kept in good condition and the buoy light and position are very clear to make the trip easy.
另一条航路是通过GREAT BELT, 即T航路(ROUTE T),吃水低于11米的货轮不强制要求引航,重载状况下只能选择本航路。
Route TWO is via the GREAT BELT, i.e. ROUTE T, which used for the laden ship and pilotage is not compulsory for the cargo ship draft less than 11 meters.
本航路使用BELTREP报告系统,也分南(VHF CH11)北(VHF CH74)两部分,具体可参考NP286(2),到达报告线向BELT TRAFFIC报告,过分界线换值守频道,无须报告。
Route TWO use BELTREP report system and also divided two parts with South (VHF CH11) and North (VHF CH74), details please refer to NO286(2). Please report to BELT TRAFFIC when arrival report line and change the watch channel when passing the divide line only where report not required.
整个航路灯标清楚明了,正常航行没有什么问题。 到达南部报告线前可选择走航路H,11米以下吃水水深足够。需要注意的是通过大桥时提前调整好船位,桥底航道狭窄,水流湍急,船位容易走偏造成紧迫局面。
All buoys are clear in the route for safe navigation. You can use the ROUTE H before arrival southern report line if your vessel’s draft is less than 11 meters. Just pay more attention to pass through the bridge where channel is narrow and current torrential so as to cause close-quarters situation due to deviation.