Fire-fighting Drill(engine room)
1430 释放机舱失火警报,并全船广播机舱失火,启动消防泵,准备好大型CO2的释放,悬挂CB6旗。
1432 全体人员携带相关设备集合于船尾甲板,检查通讯设备正常,探火员着装,皮龙接妥并出水,检查着装,点名正常。
1434 切断通风,关闭机舱所有通风道门、天窗、防火门,探火员着装完毕,进行探火,皮龙掩护。
1438 探火员报告锅炉附近油管破裂起火,火势太大,手提灭火器无法扑灭。通知机舱人员撤离,切断油路电路。
1441 所有人员到齐,释放大型CO2,做好放艇准备工作,应急发电机及应急消防泵启动。
1450 机舱壁温度明显下降,探火员二次探火。
1454 探火员报火已扑灭,无复燃可能,打开机舱自然通风,固定救生艇。
1500 测氧氧气含量21% ,恢复油电路及机械通风,清理火场。
1506 现场讲评
1510 解除警报,演习结束。
1430 Sounded the alarm of firefighting and broadcasted, captain on bridge, hoisted the flag CB6,started the fire pump.
1432 All crew mustered on A-deck with toolsand portable extinguishers. Two hose spurted out water to cool around, removedthe flammability and closed doors and ventilations .tested the communicationsystem normal. Two firemen started to put on outfits.
1434 Firemen detected the fire with portableextinguisher, the hose cover.
1438 Firemen reported the pipe of the boilerwas on fire, it could not be off by the portable extinguisher. Noticed the dutyin the E/R to retreat, shut down power & oil supply, prepared the CO2system.
1441 The duty in the E/R arrived with EEBD, callingnormal, released the CO2 to the E/R. prepared the lifeboat .started the emergencygenerator and fire pump normal.
1450 The temperature of the outerwall on the E/R obvious lowered, the firemen detected again.
1454 Firemen reported the fire was off and impossibleburned again, opened the doors and vents,fastened the lifeboat.
1500 Firemen measured out the O2about 20.8%, resumed power & oil supply, cleaned up the spot.
1506 Reviewed.
1510 Dismissed the alarm, finishthe drill.