Where can I take pilot? 我船在何处上引航员?
Pilots can be available at short notice. 一收到通知,立即就可派出引航员。
No pilot is available at present. 现在无引航员。
Do you require a pilot? 你船需要引航员吗?
You can take pilot at NO.5 fairway Buoy. 你船可在5号航道浮筒上引航员。
Pilotage is not compulsory. 引航是非强制的。
The employment of a pilot is optional. 雇引航员是任意的。
At what time will the pilot be available? 引航员什么时候可来船?
It is preferable to employ a pilot as he knows the local condition very well.最好雇用引航员,因为他熟悉当地情况。
You must rig Jacob’s ladder on starboard side. 你船须将绳梯装在右舷侧。
When can I expect the pilot to come? 预计引航员什么时候可来我船?
Send your message, please. 请讲吧。
Say it again, please. 请重复一遍。
Wilco. 收悉照办。
Roger. 信息明了。
Repeat. 再讲一遍。
Read back, please. 请复述。
Correction. 要订正。
Speak slower. 请说慢点。
Words twice. 我要将每词,每句话讲两遍。
Negative. 不是,不对,不同意。
Affirmative. 是,可以。
Please confirm. 请证实。
Please verify. 请审核,请检查。
Reading you loud and clear. 声音洪亮,清晰。
I can’t read you. 我收不到你的信息。
Pass your message through vessel xx. 请通过某船转你的信息。
I don’t have channel xx. 我没有xx频道。
Please change to channel xx. 请换到xx频道。
Call me on your arrival. 抵达时再叫我。
How do you read me? 你收听的清楚吗?
Which channel do you suggest that we use? 你建议我们用什么频道?
I suggest that we switch to channel… 我建议我们转换…频道。
Agree VHF channel… 同意转换…频道。
I read you bad (1 with signal). 我收听很不好。
I read your poor (2 with signal). 我收听不太好。
I read your fair (3 with signal). 我收听还好。
I read your good (4 with signal). 我收听较好。
I read your excellent (5 with signal). 我收听很好。
The quarantine inspection will be held in the saloon. 检疫将在大台进行。
To carry out the Quarantine formalities 进行检疫手续。
Examine the Vaccination Certificates 检查接种证书。
Some certificates have expired 一些证明过期了。
To vaccinate the crew members 对船员接种。
Show the crew’s yellow books 出示船员黄皮书。
Suffer from acute appendicitis 患急性阑尾炎。
be on an operation in hospital 在医院动手术。
Arrange for an ambulance 安排一辆救护车。
Carry out the fumigation 进行熏舱。
Be inoculated against infectious diseases 传染病预防注射。
Contract an infectious disease 患了传染病。
Have a high fever 发高烧。
Be inoculated against cholera 打霍乱预防注射。
Free Pratique is granted 检疫合格。
Be injured and taken to the hospital 因伤送去住院。
How long shall the quarantine last? 检疫需要多长时间?
What goods are to be put under quarantine? 什么货物必须进行检疫?
Harbour Authorities 港务当局
Customs-House 海关
Quarantine Office 检疫所
Immigration Office 移民局
Police station 警察局
Harbour Hospital 港口医院
Seamen’s Club 海员俱乐部
Coast Guard 海上巡逻队
Fire Brigade 救火队
Warehouse 仓库
Life-saving Station 救生站
Harbour Direction 港务局长
Customs Officer 海关关员
Immigration Officer 检疫官
Charterer 租船人
Consignee 收货人
Shipper 发货人
Wharfinger 码头管理员
Linesman 带缆工人
Water man 加水人
Warehouse keeper 仓库管理人
Stevedore (longshoreman) 装卸工人
Please give me a copy of the Regulations of this port. 请给我一份本港的港章。
Here is a list of personal articles (belongings,effects). 这是一份船员自用物品清单。
Please fill out this form. 请填写此表。
Anything special to declare? 有特殊的物品要申报吗?
What quantity of cigarettes is duty-free? 多少数量的香烟是免税的?
Please unseal this room. 请把本房间启封。
How many copies of crew list are required? 需要几分船员名单?
To confiscate a smuggled article 没收走私物品。
To be fined for having evaded customs duties 逃避关税被罚款。
Our ship was requested to clear the customs and pay the due tolls. 要求我船办理结关手续,付清过境费。
Where will the customs procedure take place? 将在哪里办理海关手续?
When is the customs examination due? 海关检查将在什么时候?
What things can be taken along duty-free? 随身可携带什么物品免税?
What duty must I pay? 我需交纳多少税金?
Ship’s Let’s go through the Inward clearance (entry formalities). 我们开始办理进口手续吧。
To follow the regulations of this port 遵守港章。
The men are all busy doing their respective work.。全体船员都忙于他们各自的工作。
I’m afraid it may be difficult to meet tour request. 我怕很难满足你的要求。
Are all the crew on board? 全体船员都在船上吗?
All the crew are on board expect the electrician. 除电工外,全体船员都在船上。
He is having an operation in the hospital. 他现在在医院里动手术。
What number is he in the crew list?船员名单上他的号码是多少?
He is holding seaman’s book NO.002486. 他的海员证是002486号。
Here is the passenger list. 这是旅客名单。
There are nine passengers on board: two in transit, three disembarking here, four embarking at this port.
What ship are you from? 你是什么船的(船员)?
I’m sailing in the m.s. Dalli. 我在大理轮上工作。
What flag is the m.s. Dali under? 大理号是哪国船?
How long are these permits valid? 这些登陆证有效多久?
Please grant me my passport after the inspection. 检查过后,请把护照发给我。Ship’s Certificate of Nationality 船舶国籍证书
List of Crew 船员名单
Inventory of Ship’s Appurtenances 属具清单
Log Books 航海日志
Passenger List 旅客名单
Ship’s Certificate of Registry 船舶登记证
Ship’s Certificate of Survey 船舶检验证
Ship’s Certificate of Load-line 船舶载重线证书
Ship Builder’s Certificate 造船证明书
Shipping Articles 船员契约
Ship’s Licence 船舶执照
Bill of Health 健康证明书
Free Pratique 防疫通行证
Quarantine Certificate 检疫证书
Manifest 仓单
Freight List 载货清单
Charter Party 租船契约
On which side do you want the ladder lowered? 你要梯子放在哪一舷?
Get a ladder over the port side. 把绳梯放在左舷上。
Throw me the boat rope. 把小艇上的绳子扔过来。
Be ready to take the boat rope. 准备好抓住小艇的绳子。
Come alongside the starboard side, please. 请向右舷靠过来。
Show me the way to the captain’s cabin first. 请先领我到船长室吧。
Have you been here before? 你过去来过这里吗?
This is our first visit to this port. 我们是第一次到这港口来。
Shall we enter the harbour now? 我们现在就进港吗?
How far will you pilot the ship? 你将引航多远?
Shall we weigh anchor now? 我们现在起锚吗?
How far is it from here to the barbour? 从这里到港口有多远?
We shall be there in an hour and a half. 我们在一个半小时内可到达。
Keep straight to the lighthouse. 对准灯塔走。
Do you see the red conical buoy ahead? 你看见前面那个红色椎形浮标了吗?
Keep clear of this shoal. 让开这片沙洲。
Give a wide berth to the break water. 离开防波堤远一些。
Don’t look too much at the compass. Get a good mark on shore. 不要总看罗经,要找出岸上显著物标。
Mind your steering! 注意舵向!
There is no vacant berth now. 现在没有空泊位。
You have to order the engines full astern to allow a near-by ship to clear the anchorage.
There are 3 turns in cable. 锚链圈绕三段。
Walk out the anchor. 用起锚机将锚绞向锚链筒以外。
Walk back the port anchor one and a half shackles. 绞出左锚链一节半。
We will let go the port anchor 2 shackles and drag it. 我们将抛左锚两节,拖锚向前移动。