DO you know navigation log?what is recorded in it?
answer: the log is a legal entry and collection of previous experience at sea that records the daily events both at sea and in port, and can be used as legal evidence against any claim on court as a protection for the owner, furthermore, it can be used as the base of sea experiences. what do you call 0摄氏度?
there as two kinds of defination for dividing the standard atomosphere temperature in the world: selciur scale fahrenheit scale. mostly the people in asia use selciur scale as the standard, and the europurians and americans use the fahrenheit as the standard.
what do you learn in navigation?
as deck officer, i can learn a lot, such as MARPOL, COLREG, BTM, TIDE OF THE WORLD, WEATHER FASCILINME etc. how do you get the weather information on board vessel?
We have the navtex receiver and inmarsat system and weather fascillinme receiver as the tools to receive weather informations based the guidance of the admiralty of light and signal table. what skills do you offer ,that are most relevant in this job?what skill would you like to develop in this job?