Addendum to Port watch checks
Treat this as a checklist ensure complied when vessel alongside
1. Door to hydraulic room and CCR room must be kept closed and only opened for access. Alarm in operation on CCR door.
2. All other doors on accommodation, store spaces, pump room etc. MUST be kept closed
3. Mooring ropes to be correctly set. Split flanges correctly used. Lines kept tight with vessel alongside quay
4. Fire wires correctly set. Check on them frequently
5. Gangway/manifold watch correctly maintained
6. No leaking cargo line drain cocks. Check them all frequently
7. Manifold drain valves closed and plugged
8. If there any slight hydraulic leaks these must have drip catcher underneath.
9. Pollution pumps fully operational. Pump rain water to spill tank. Log contents of spill tanks on board in CCR
10. ALL scuppers plugged
11. ALL manifolds fully bolted
12. NO openings in cargo tanks. ALL cargo operations to be FULLY closed
13. KNOW about static accumulating cargoes
14. KNOW how to use IGG
15. ALL LSA equipment to be in order. No loose gear in lifeboats. Check all lifebuoy lights and ETA light.
16. No loose rags or other garbage on deck.
17. No oil in PR bilges, winch savealls or hydraulic room savealls
18. All oily rags in covered metal containers
19. ALL vents and flaps to be fully operational. Open/closed clearly marked
20. MMC to be correctly used
21. Sample locker to be locked. All samples correctly stowed
22. All drain cocks must have plugs fitted.
23. Pilot ladders correctly set up (with man ropes). Correctly stowed when not in use
24. Ensure man ropes on gangway etc are clean and free of oil.
25. General cleanliness all around
26. Garbage correctly stowed.
27. Garbage log correctly entered and up to date
28. Oil record and chemical record book up to date
29. Charts and publications up to date as much as possible. Voyage charts and publications fully corrected.
30. AC intake flaps closed and FULLY dogged
31. Check lists to be correctly filled in at correct time.
32. PERMIT system in proper use.
33. Cook must use one cutting board for vegetables and one for meat.
34. All meat and fish must be kept covered in and out of fridges
35. NOTHING to be left unattended on stove. If Cook is out of galley then stove should be ‘off’. Bosun check
36. Galley garbage to be correctly segregated. No loose garbage left lying around.
37. Decks to be washed down and free of oil and funnel soot.
38. Check that the Chafing sleeves are In place.
39. Bosun Store is locked.
40. Anchor bar in Place and lashings removed.( In Port)
41. All vents are closed include vents for amidships.
42. 2nd officer to ensure AIS on low power and VHF on low power including COC VHF.
43. Air-con in re-circulation and harbor use flap open. Duty officer to ensure the Duty engineer does it.
44. Aft Stbd Winch and ETA winch are not leaking and no traces of oil found any where.
45. The Visitors familiarization is completed. (C/O)
46. All doors are locked from inside other than the one in use.
47. Echo sounder is checked depths. (only D/O)
48. No Rags in Pump room.
49. Flash Lights available in Pump room and manifold.
50. Gang way Log to be filled up and signed. And ensure the inspector is told that he should handover any lighter and also show his ID and that he should have a look at the Boards.
This Bridge Memo is developed through more than 15 years by some very experienced ship's masters.It is mainly based on Capt. Inn Davis's rules from Expedo Ship Management (Canada) Ltd.I collect them only for my personally study reason; and for easy reference purpose.
Here, I, as an officer under some instruction of Capt Davis, give my full respects and thankful to Capt. Davis.
2nd Officer
Ever-student from Dalian Maritime University
Be proud of DMU