Cold Weather Precautions
Procedure to ensure adequate precautions are taken in case of cold weather
Whenever there is an expectation of the ambient temperature falling below zero, the OOW shall liaise with the Chief Officer and Bosun to ensure the following steps are taken in advance:
- Check that all personnel were issued with adequate cold weather clothing.
- Blow any standing water out of the cargo tank heating coils, including deck manifolds.
- Check the glycol concentration in the P/V Breaker (50/50, s.g. 1.070)
- Check the anti-freeze in the emergency generator cooling system. Ensure the coolant heater is operational and switched on. Close unnecessary ventilation. If necessary, set up fan heaters to keep the space warm.
- Check the anti-freeze in the lifeboat engine cooling system.
- Except during transfer operations, open manifold drip tray drains to avoid standing water freezing in them.
- Ensure the AUS seal tank is filled in good time before ops, as the filling line should then be drained.
- Drain all fresh water lines on deck and in the Pump-room. Don’t forget ODME flushing lines.
- Drain any condensate from IGS pressure transmitting lines.
- Drain the wheelhouse window washing line, and leave the drain open.
- Drain the fire and foam mains, including hydrants and monitors. Leave them open.
- Ensure deck service air lines, air motors, etc, do not contain any water.
- Ensure the steam heating is open to the deck seal, and steam is open to pump-room systems.
- Keep hydraulics running, including the crane, to prevent the oil becoming too viscous. Keep winches turning slowly.
- Test the cranes in good time before use, in case wires and blocks are frozen solid.
- Crack open ballast tank access hatches before commencing ballasting in case the vents are blocked by ice.
- When leaving cold weather, ensure valves in the cargo and bunker systems are left open so far as possible to avoid damage to gaskets and expansion joints due to expansion as the temperature rises. Release pressure as necessary.
This Bridge Memo is developed through more than 15 years by some very experienced ship's masters.It is mainly based on Capt. Inn Davis's rules from Expedo Ship Management (Canada) Ltd.I collect them only for my personally study reason; and for easy reference purpose.
Here, I, as an officer under some instruction of Capt Davis, give my full respects and thankful to Capt. Davis.
2nd Officer
Ever-student from Dalian Maritime University
Be proud of DMU