V.Ships 一刚刚开业的海员招聘中心V.People Marine 总裁David Greenhalgh称船舶管理公司应把海员当成顾客。,
management companies, believes David Greenhalgh, managing director of
V.People Marine, a recruitment unit launched yesterday by V.Ships. With
today’s officer shortage, he said, “you can’t just select from the
queue.” Speaking to Fairplay, he said it is now as important to build
relationships with potential crew in the same way as with ship owners so
as to attract quality candidates. “We are trying to define ourselves in
the market as a preferred employer,” he said. “It’s a seafarers’ market
now”. The new unit has been developed from V.Ships’ existing crew
management operation and has a target to increase the number of sea
staff placed through V.Ships. At present, about 16,000 staff are at sea
at any time through various V.Ships management contracts, of which
V.People Marine has inherited about 2,500 crew management positions.
This could double in four or five years, Greenhalgh estimates, an
increase likely to be matched across the rest of the group, he believes.