世界上最大的集装箱船 Emma Maersk, 170,000总吨,长397米,宽56.4米,可装11,000 – 13,000 集装箱,配员仅13人。
just 13, all Danes. Presumably the ship’s sisters will have the same:
the only alterations from the first of series being “small changes to
living spaces”, according to a report in this month’s Safety at Sea
International. The article revealed that the crew had been working
together for several months before the ship’s delivery “to ensure that
they are familiar with each other” and ready to take on the
responsibilities of handling such a large vessel. Capt Henrik Solmer
said the time together included “human relationship training”. He added
that team-building and relaxation were important as sometimes “you’ve
got to have some fun - if time permits”.