致船长的公开信(A letter to Captains) | |
尊敬的船长先生: 您好。欢迎您和您的船员来到山东沿海港口! 山东海事局全体行政执法人员将秉承“有效监管、优质服务”的宗旨依法行政,竭诚为您的安全航行和船舶作业提供便利。为实现“航行更安全,海洋更清洁”的共同目标,希望你们遵守海事国际公约和我国的法律法规,并对我们的行政执法工作提出宝贵的意见和建议。 山东海事局行政执法工作需要您的支持,更需要您的监督。真诚地欢迎您和您的船员对我们在行政执法和廉政效能方面的工作情况给予有力的监督,对我局海事执法中存在的行业不正之风和违反“八项纪律”的行为进行据实举报。对于您提出的意见和建议我们将虚心接受,认真研究,及时反馈;对于您的投诉我们将认真核实,严肃处理。一经查实,我们将按规定给予举报人300—5000元人民币的奖励。 祝工作顺利,航程愉快! 中华人民共和国山东海事局 局 长:张宝晨 党委书记:范河林 海事执法监督电话:0532-82654250(法规规范处) 0532-85098765(纪检监察处) 电子邮箱:fgc@sdmsa.gov.cn(法规规范处); Respected Captains: Shandong Maritime Safety Administration welcomes you and your crew to our coastal harbors in the Province. All the staff members of Shandong MSA would be pleased to render satisfactory service to your safe shipping and operation, adhering to the working principle of “effective administration, high-quality service”. To realize the goal of “safer shipping, cleaner oceans”, we wish you could abide by the requirements of relevant international conventions and national laws and regulations, support and co-operate with us in our work, as well as put forth proposals and suggestions on our administration and management so as to improve and perfect our work. Shandong MSA needs your support and supervision. We warmly welcome you and your crew’s supervision on our work and give report on those against “the eight principles”. We’ll give due considerations and accept your opinions and suggestions, and give our feedback in time. We’ll give severe penalty to our staff’s malversation and/or misfeasance if found. Those whose report proved true will be entitled to a bounty of RMB 300-5000 Yuan as reward. Best wishes for good work and safe sailing! Kind regards. Director General, Shandong Maritime Safety Administration Zhang Baochen CPC Party Secretary, Shandong Maritime Safety Administration Fan Helin Shandong Maritime Safety Administration, People’s Republic of China |