1、增加n% an increase of n% n% more than…
2、增加n倍 increase by n times increase by n times
3、增加n-1倍或增加到n倍 increase n times increase n fold increase n00%
n times ( last year’s total) n fold increase n times as great as
4、比……前增加n-1倍 n00% of the …level
5、n倍于音速 n times faster than sound
100 a (one) hundred
1,000 a (one)thousand
1,000,000 a(one)million
十亿 a(one)billion
5 1/2 five and a half
25/38 twenty-five thirty-eighths
0.2 读法:point two; o/ou/point two; nought(zero) point two
63.508 six three point five nought eight; sixty-three point five nought eight
56% fifty-six per cent
4/7% four sevenths per cent
0.75% point seven five per cent
A=B A equals B ;A is equal to B A≈B A approximaterly equals b
A/B A over B A>B A is greater than B
A<B A is less than B A±B A plus or minus B
A×B A times B;A multiplied by B 5×8=40 five multiplied by eight makes forty
A÷B A divided by B A² A squre;the scond power of A
A³ A cube ;the third power of A √A the square root of A
³√A the cube root of A 5√A² the fifth root of A square
A´ A prime A´´ A second prime
A´´´ A triple prime A2 A sub two;A second
dz/dx frist derivatrive of z with respect to x
y=f(x) y is a function of x p=∞ p is equal to infinity
∫ … integral of…from n to m ;integral of…between limits n and m文字
1、增加n% an increase of n% n% more than…
2、增加n倍 increase by n times increase by n times
3、增加n-1倍或增加到n倍 increase n times increase n fold increase n00%
n times ( last year’s total) n fold increase n times as great as
4、比……前增加n-1倍 n00% of the …level
5、n倍于音速 n times faster than sound
100 a (one) hundred
1,000 a (one)thousand
1,000,000 a(one)million
十亿 a(one)billion
5 1/2 five and a half
25/38 twenty-five thirty-eighths
0.2 读法:point two; o/ou/point two; nought(zero) point two
63.508 six three point five nought eight; sixty-three point five nought eight
56% fifty-six per cent
4/7% four sevenths per cent
0.75% point seven five per cent
A=B A equals B ;A is equal to B A≈B A approximaterly equals b
A/B A over B A>B A is greater than B
A<B A is less than B A±B A plus or minus B
A×B A times B;A multiplied by B 5×8=40 five multiplied by eight makes forty
A÷B A divided by B A² A squre;the scond power of A
A³ A cube ;the third power of A √A the square root of A
³√A the cube root of A 5√A² the fifth root of A square
A´ A prime A´´ A second prime
A´´´ A triple prime A2 A sub two;A second
dz/dx frist derivatrive of z with respect to x
y=f(x) y is a function of x p=∞ p is equal to infinity
∫ … integral of…from n to m ;integral of…between limits n and m文字