表1.1 2003年CCS级滞留船舶滞留缺陷
项目 数量 比例
Stability, Structure and related equipment - 稳性和结构 27 17.42%
Fire safety measures - 防火安全 24 15.48%
Load lines – 载重线 19 12.26%
Lifesaving Appliances - 救生设备 18 11.61%
Propulsion and auxiliary machinery – 推进和辅助机械 16 10.32%
Safety of navigation – 航行安全 15 9.68%
ISM code – ISM规则 9 5.81%
Certification and watch-keeping for seafarers – 船员值班、证书 5 3.23%
ILO 147 – 国际劳工组织147公约 5 3.23%
Radio communication – 无线电通讯 3 1.94%
Ship’s certificates and documents – 船舶证书和资料 2 1.29%
SOLAS related operational deficiencies – SOLAS操作 2 1.29%
Other – 其它 2 1.29%
共计 155
表1.2 2003年CCS级滞留船舶缺陷
项目 数量 比例
Lifesaving Appliances - 救生设备 113 17.33%
Stability, Structure and related equipment - 稳性和结构 110 16.87%
Fire safety measures - 防火安全 86 13.19%
Propulsion and auxiliary machinery – 推进和辅助机械 50 7.67%
ISM code – ISM规则 49 7.52%
Load lines – 载重线 48 7.36%
ILO 147 – 国际劳工组织147公约 45 6.90%
Safety of navigation – 航行安全 45 6.90%
MARPOL – MARPOL公约 38 5.83%
Certification and watch-keeping for seafarers – 船员值班、证书 29 4.45%
Ship’s certificates and documents – 船舶证书和资料 17 2.61%
Radio communication – 无线电通讯 10 1.53%
Others – 其它 12 1.82%
共计 652
第二部分: 2001-2003年CCS级滞留船舶缺陷统计
表2.1 2001-2003年CCS级滞留船舶滞留缺陷
项目 数量 比例
Stability, Structure and related equipment - 稳性和结构 75 17.94%
Lifesaving Appliances - 救生设备 67 16.03%
Fire safety measures - 防火安全 58 13.88%
Load lines – 载重线 48 11.48%
Safety of navigation – 航行安全 46 11.00%
Propulsion and auxiliary machinery – 推进和辅助机械 26 6.22%
ISM code – ISM规则 24 5.74%
ILO 147 – 国际劳工组织147公约 11 2.63%
Radio communication – 无线电通讯 10 2.39%
Certification and watch-keeping for seafarers – 船员值班、证书 8 1.91%
Ship’s certificates and documents – 船舶证书和资料 8 1.91%
SOLAS related operational deficiencies – SOLAS操作 4 0.96%
Others – 其它 10 2.39%
共计 418
表2.2 2001-2003年CCS级滞留船舶缺陷
项目 数量 比例
Lifesaving Appliances - 救生设备 358 20.77%
Stability, Structure and related equipment - 稳性和结构 252 14.62%
Fire safety measures - 防火安全 227 13.17%
Load lines – 载重线 151 8.76%
Safety of navigation – 航行安全 144 8.35%
Propulsion and auxiliary machinery – 推进和辅助机械 101 5.86%
MARPOL annex I– MARPOL公约附则I 101 5.86%
ISM code – ISM规则 91 5.28%
ILO 147 – 国际劳工组织147公约 80 4.64%
Certification and watch-keeping for seafarers – 船员值班、证书 50 2.90%
Ship’s certificates and documents – 船舶证书和资料 42 2.44%
SOLAS related operational deficiency – SOLAS有关的操作 32 1.86%
Radio communication – 无线电通讯 31 1.80%
Others – 其它 64 3.71%
共计 1724
第三部分: 2001-2003年CCS级滞留船舶主要缺陷统计
表3.1 2001-2003年CCS级滞留船舶缺陷(救生设备)
项目 数量 比例
Lifeboats 74 20.73%
Lifeboats inventory 51 14.29%
Launching arrangements for survival craft 42 11.76%
Lifebuoys 32 8.96%
On board training and instructions 19 5.32%
Embarkation arrangements – survival craft 15 4.20%
Stowage of liferafts 14 3.92%
Maintenance and inspection 13 3.64%
Lifejackets 10 2.80%
Rescue boats 9 2.52%
Inflatable liferafts 9 2.52%
2-way radio telephone apparatus for survival craft 8 2.24%
Launching arrangements for rescue boats 8 2.24%
Marking number capacity 7 1.96%
Rescue boat inventory 6 1.68%
Stowage of lifebaots 5 1.40%
Others 35 9.80%
共计 357
表3.2 2001-2003年CCS级滞留船舶缺陷(稳性、结构)
项目 数量 比例
Emergency lighting, batteries & switches 30 11.95%
Beams, frames, floors corrosion and damage 27 10.46%
Electric equipment in general 23 9.16%
Pilot ladders 16 6.37%
Damage to hull due to weather or ship operation 16 6.37%
Ballast, fuel and other tanks 13 5.18%
Hydraulic & other closing devices/ watertight doors 12 4.78%
Steering gear 10 3.98%
Deck corrosion and cracking 10 3.98%
Hull corrosion and cracking 8 3.19%
Bulkheads corrosion and cracking 8 3.19%
Gangway, accommodation ladder 8 3.19%
Means of escape 7 2.79%
Stability/ strength/ loading information and instruction 7 2.79%
Signs, indicators (WT doors, fire detectors, fire dampers, ventilations) 6 2.39%
Others 50 19.92%
共计 251
表3.3 2001-2003年CCS级滞留船舶缺陷(防火安全)
项目 数量 比例
Ventilation, fire-dampers, valves, quick closing 45 19.82%
Fire prevention 43 18.94%
Fire fighting equipment and appliances 36 15.86%
Fixed fire extinguishing installation 19 8.37%
Personal equipment 17 7.49%
Fire pumps 15 6.61%
Readily availability of fire fighting equipment 11 4.85%
Fire detection 5 2.20%
Jacketed piping system for high pressure fuel lines 4 1.76%
International shore connection 3 1.32%
Inert gas system 1 0.44%
Others 28 12.33%
共计 227
表3.4 2001-2003年CCS级滞留船舶缺陷(载重线)
项目 数量 比例
Ventilators, air pipes, casings 44 29.33%
Doors 17 11.33%
Cargo & other hatchways 16 10.67%
Freeboard marks 16 10.67%
Covers (hatchway, portable, tarpaulin, etc.) 13 8.67%
Railing, cat walks 12 8.00%
Windows, side scuttles 10 6.67%
Manholes/ Flush scuttles 5 3.33%
Scuppers, inlets, etc. 3 2.00%
Machinery space openings 3 2.00%
Lashings (timber) 2 1.33%
Others 9 6.00%
共计 150
表3.5 2001-2003年CCS级滞留船舶缺陷(航行安全)
项目 数量 比例
Nautical publications 42 29.17%
Charts 29 20.14%
Lights, shapes, sound signals 25 17.36%
Magnetic compass 10 6.94%
Signaling tamp 8 5.56%
Echo-sounder device 7 4.86%
International code of signals 5 3.47%
Equipment 4 2.78%
Gyro compass 4 2.78%
Speed and distance indicator 3 2.08%
Radar 2 1.39%
Other 5 3.47%
共计 144
表3.6 2001-2003年CCS级滞留船舶缺陷(推进和辅助机械)
项目 数量 比例
Auxiliary engine 27 26.73%
Cleanliness of engine room 20 19.80%
Propulsion main engine 16 15.84%
Guards/ fencing around dangerous machinery 7 6.93%
Bilge pumping arrangements 4 3.96%
Boiler 2 1.98%
Insulation wetted through (oil) 2 1.98%
Others 23 22.77%
共计 101
表3.7 2001-2003年CCS级滞留船舶缺陷(MARPOL附则I)
项目 数量 比例
Ship oil pollution emergency plan (SOPEP) 22 25.58%
Oil record book 18 20.93%
Oil filtering equipment 17 19.77%
15ppm alarm arrangements 5 5.81%
Control of discharge of oil 4 4.65%
Standard discharge connection 3 3.49%
Oil discharge monitoring & control system 2 2.33%
Retention of oil on board 2 2.33%
Oil/water inte***ce detector 2 2.33%
Pumping, piping & discharge arrangement of oil 1 1.16%
Others 10 11.63%
共计 86
表3.8 2001-2003年CCS级滞留船舶缺陷(船舶操作)
项目 数量
Abandon ship drills 7
Muster list 7
Manual, instructions, etc. 5
Fire drills 4
Fire control plan 2
Operation of machinery 2
Communication 1
Others 4
Garbage 7
Oil & oily mixture from machinery spaces 6
Others 2
表3.9 2001-2003年CCS级滞留船舶缺陷(ISM规则)
项目 数量 比例
Maintenance of the ship and equipment 34 37.36%
Resources and personnel 14 15.38%
Master responsibility and authority 9 9.89%
Emergency preparedness 8 8.79%
Development of plans for shipboard operations 5 5.49%
Certification, verification and control 4 4.40%
Company responsibility and authority 4 4.40%
Reports and analysis of non-conformities, accident 4 4.40%
Safety and environmental policy 4 4.40%
Company verification, review and evaluation 2 2.20%
Designated person(s) 2 2.20%
Documentation 1 1.10%
共计 91