24. Which of the following requirement regarding embarking, disembarking and stowage of vehicles on ferries corresponds to present regulations? (NSCL 4/11/4)
A. In rough weather the clearance between the cars shall be increased to 800 mm.
B. During corssing, ports on the car deck shall be closed and battened.
C. Vehicles shall at all times be secured against shifting.
D. In ships where passengers and cars are using the same access (ramp/gangway) embarkation / disembarkation of passengers and cars shall not take place simultaneously.
(本人为广州远洋培训中心海事英语教师,希望能够在本网站得到指点.这道题目是中远系统五级考题,由于没有答案,所以都必须自己做,而这道题目我实在不知如何下手.文中后面提到的NSCL,我经过GOOGLE搜索后,这样的缩写单位较多出现的是英国的National Safety Camera Liaison,不知哪位有相关知识的大哥能够提供帮助?该如何下手,或者指点下NSCL的相关资料去哪里下载等.)
A. In rough weather the clearance between the cars shall be increased to 800 mm.
B. During corssing, ports on the car deck shall be closed and battened.
C. Vehicles shall at all times be secured against shifting.
D. In ships where passengers and cars are using the same access (ramp/gangway) embarkation / disembarkation of passengers and cars shall not take place simultaneously.
(本人为广州远洋培训中心海事英语教师,希望能够在本网站得到指点.这道题目是中远系统五级考题,由于没有答案,所以都必须自己做,而这道题目我实在不知如何下手.文中后面提到的NSCL,我经过GOOGLE搜索后,这样的缩写单位较多出现的是英国的National Safety Camera Liaison,不知哪位有相关知识的大哥能够提供帮助?该如何下手,或者指点下NSCL的相关资料去哪里下载等.)