1. Mooring/Unmooring orders
1.Single up
2.All let go aft
3.Let go…line
4.All clear aft
5.Send out…line
6.Put…line on winch (or capstan windlass)
7.Put…line on bitts
8.Stop heaving (or avast heaving)
9. Slack away…line
10.Stand by to heave…line
11.Take in the slack on…line
12.Heave away…line
13.Make fast
14.Slack a little
15.Shift (or move) ahead (or astern)…meter(s)
16.Hold on
17.In position
1. Standard Anchor Order
Report or reply
1.Stand by (to) heave away anchor 准备绞(起)锚
All ready (to) heave away 锚备好
2.Heave away anchor 绞(起)锚
Heavy away 绞(起)锚
3.Stand by port (starboard or both) anchor(s) 准备左(右,双)锚
Port (starboard or both) anchor(s) is (are) ready 左(右,双)锚准备好
4.Let go (port or starboard) anchor 抛(左,右)锚
Let go (port or starboard) anchor 抛(左,右)锚
5.Hold on 刹住
Hold on 刹住
6.Stop heaving or avast heaving 停止绞锚
Stop heaving or avast heaving 停止绞锚
7.How is chain leading? 锚链方向如何?
Up and down 锚链垂直
Leading ahead/aft 锚链向前/后
Leading abeam 锚链正横
Across bow 锚链过船头
8.Slack away chain 放松锚链
Slack away 放松锚链
9.x shackles in water (on deck or hawse pipe) x节锚链下水(甲板,锚链孔)
X shackles in water (on deck or hawse pipe) x 节锚链下水(甲板,锚链孔)
Standard engine orders
Any engine order given should be repeated by the person operating the bridge telegraph(s) and the officer on watch should ensure the order is carried out correctly and immediately.
1.Full ahead 前进三(全速前进)
Maximum manoeuvring engine revolutions for ahead propulsion
2.Half ahead 前进二(半速前进)
Revolutions as indicated in ship’s orders
3.Slow ahead 前进一(慢速前进)
Revolutions as indicated in ship’s orders
4.Dead slow ahead 微速前进
Revolutions as indicated in ship’s orders
5.Stop engine(s) 停车
No engine revolutions
6.Dead slow astern 微速后退
Revolutions as indicated ship’s orders
7.Slow astern 后退一(慢速后退)
Revolutions as indicated ship’s orders
8.Half astern 后退二(半速后退)
Revolutions as indicated ship’s orders
9.Full astern 后退三(全速后退)
Revolutions as indicated ship’s orders
10.Emergency full ahead 急速前进
11.Emergency full astern 急速后退
12.Stand by engine 备车
Engine-room personnel fully ready to manoeuvre and bridge manned to relay engine orders
13.Finished with engine(s) 用车完毕
Movement of engine(s) no longer required
Where bow thrusters are used, the following orders are used:
1.Bow thrust full/half to port side. 首推全速/半速向左
Ship’s head to move to port with power as specified.
2.Bow thrust full/half to starboard side.
Ship’s head to move to starboard with power as specified.
3.Stem thrust full/half to port side.尾推全速/半速向左
Ship’s stern to move to port with power as specified.
4. Stem thrust full/half to starboard side.
Stem thrust full/half to starboard side.
5.Bow(stem) thrust stop. 首(尾)侧推停车
Bow/stern thrust stop.
Standard Wheel Orders
Orders and meanings
1.Midships 正舵
Rudder to be held in the fore and aft position
2.Port five 左舵5
5 o of port rudder to be held
3.Port ten 左舵10
10 o of port rudder to be held
4.Port fifteen 左舵15
15 o of port rudder to be held
5.Port twenty 左舵20
20 o of port rudder to be held
6.Port twenty-five 左舵25
25 o of port rudder to be held
7.Hard-a-port 左满舵
Rudder to be held fully over to port
8.Starboard five 右舵5
5 o of starboard rudder to be held
9.Starboard ten 右舵10
10 o of starboard rudder to be held
10. Starboard fifteen 右舵15
15 o of starboard rudder to be held
11. Starboard twenty 右舵20
20 o of starboard rudder to be held
12. Starboard twenty-five 右舵25
25 o of starboard rudder to be held
13.Hard-a-starboard 右满舵
Rudder to be held fully over to starboard
14.Ease to five 回到5
Reduce amount of rudder to 5 o and hold
15.Ease to ten 回到10
Reduce amount of rudder to 10 o and hold
16.Ease to fifteen 回到15
Reduce amount of rudder to 15 o and hold
17.Ease to twenty 回到20
Reduce amount of rudder to 20 o and hold
18.Steady 把定
Reduce swing as rapidly as possible
19.Steady as she goes 照直走
Steer a steady course on the compass heading indicated at the time of the order. The helmsman is to repeat the order and call out the compass heading on receiving the order. When the ship is steady on that heading, the helmsman is to call out “Steady on…”
20.Keep buoy/mark/beacon/…on port side 把浮标/标志/立标放在左舷
21.Keep buoy/mark/beacon on starboard side 把浮标/标志/立标放在右舷
22.Report if she does not answer wheel 舵无反应立即报告
23.Finish with wheel 用舵完毕
When the officer watch requires a Course to be steered by compass, the direction in which she/he wants the wheel turned should be stated followed by each numeral being said separately, including zero, for example:
Course to be steered
“Port, steer one eight two”
182 o
“Starboard, steer zero eight two”
082 o
“Port, steer three zero five”
305 o