约会 | Appointments |
1、我想和你约定明天下午来看你。 | 1、I’d like to make an appointment with you for tomorrow afternoon |
2、我什么时候能见到你? | 2、When can I see you? |
3、让我们改日约定吧 | 3、Let’s make an appointment for some other day |
4、你明天有空吗? | 4、Will you be free tomorrow? |
5、你现在有空吗? | 5、Are you free this moment |
6、是,我有空。 | 6、Yes,I’m free |
7、不,我没空。星期一时间都排满了 | 7、No,I am not free. Monday is all filled up |
8、你现在有很忙吗? | 8、Are you very busy now? |
9、是的,我很忙。 | 9、Yes,I’m busy. |
10、不,我不忙。 | 10、No,I’m not busy. |
11、今天下午我恐怕没空。 | 11、I’m afraid I shan’t be free this afternoon. |
12、明天我恐怕很忙 | 12、I’m afraid I’ll be very busy tomorrow. |
13、我下午三点钟有空。 | 13、I’ll be free at 3 p.m. |
14、我不能肯定我是否有空 | 14、I’m not quite sure whether I’ll be free |
15、请告诉我,你什么时候有空。 | 15、Let me know when you are free. |
16、这星期天、你很忙吗? | 16、Will you be very busy this coming Sunday? |
17、请你安排一次个人约会好吗? | 17、Would you please arrange for a per-sonal interview? |
18、你什么时候来看我? | 18、When will you come to see me? |
19、你什么时候有空? | 19、When will you be free? |
20、你愿意我什么时候来看你? | 20、What time would you like me to come to see you? |
21、随便你什么时候都可以 | 21、Whenever you like. |
22、我可以在四点钟等你吗? | 22、May I expect you at four? |
23、你明天肯定能来吗? | 23、Are you quite sure you can come Tomorrow? |
24、你早一点来不是更好吗? | 24、Don’t you think it would be better to come earlier? |
25、让我等一会告诉你好吗? | 25、Shall I let you know later? |
26、好吧,让我想一想。除了星期天哪一天都行。 | 26、Well, let me see. Any day except Sunday. |
27、我宁愿你明天来。 | 27、I would rather you come tomorrow. |
28、不知道能不能在下周头几天安排一次谈话。 | 28、I wonder if we could arrange a talk for some time early next week. |
29、什么时间对你方便? | 29、What time would be convenient for you? |
30、随便哪一天对我都合适。 | 30、Any day will suit me. |
31、我去叫你,还是你上我这儿来? | 31、Shall I call for you or will you come for me? |
32、请在五点钟之前上船来。 | 32、Please come on board before five. |
33、大约在三点钟我等着你。 | 33、I’ll look out for you at about three. |
34、明天早晨九点上船来看我一下好吗? | 34、Could you come and see me on board at 9tomorrow morning? |
35、明天10~12点之间到我的办公室来看我好吗? | 35、Look me up at my office between ten and twelve tomorrow,will you? |
36、假如你来不了的话,请事先给我打个电话好吗? | 36、If you are prevented from coming,will you please give me a ringBeforehand? |
37、一定设法来。到时我等你啦。 | 37、Do try to come. I’ll be expecting you then. |
38、我很高兴这样做。 | 38、I’ll be glad to do so. |
39、假如你能来,我将是非常高兴的, | 39、I’ll be so glad if you cam come. |
40、下个星期找个时间我想和你讨论一下这件事。 | 40、I’d like to have a discussion with you about this matter some time mext week |
41、假如那时间对你合适的话,那对我是最方便的了 | 41、That’ll be the most convenient time for me ,if it’s all right for you. |
42、那么明天早晨来 | 42、Then come tomorrw morning. |
43、明天 早晨,可以(表示很愿意)。 | 43、Tomorrow morning, with pleasure. |
44、给你添麻烦了吧。(直译为:我希望我没有更多的麻烦你。 | 44、I hope I haven’t put yoi into too much trouble. |
45、你们很忙。我不想耽误你们很多时间了 | 45、You are very busy. I don’t want to take up too much of your time. |
46、事情既已办妥,让我们把原订的约会就取消吧 | 46、As the matter has been settled let’s Cancel the appointment. |